Chapter Nine

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James Levine:
Every murder has to be registered, if you want to be protected from the police by the secret society. That is why I am driving to the secret society. It's a base underground of the club where I met Kat.
There are only about a limited amount of members who are part of this society, the parents of Liam are part of it too, that's how I know that they won't come looking for their own son. Pathetic isn't it? Parents give up their own children just to be part of this secret society.
It's not easy at all to get in. The only reason why I got in, is because of my mother, who has been a member since birth, making me automatically a member of the society together will all my 3 brothers. But on a later age I had to prove that I was worthy. Silas and Tyler are fine with being in the society, they stand for everything they do, they will always be there to help. As for Elijah, I'm not sure. He doesn't want to fight, he has never killed. Elijah just has the perfect love, marry, honey moon picture in his head. As much as Dante, his dad, and our mother tried to get it out of his head. It didn't work, he is stubborn. But they couldn't just kick him out of the society either, the only reason he's here is to socialize. Many people of the society are jealous of him, that he never has to fight. Elijah, the saint of his mommy and daddy.
I would love to become the leader of this society one day, but deep down I know that's impossible. My brother Silas is to take over when my Dante steps down. Since I'm not his biological son, only my mother's biological son, I am not in line to be the leader. And Silas is the oldest, if you don't count me. Sometimes I wish Dante's son, it would help me feel like I'm more part of this family, not just a reminder of my mom's old abusive relationship.
I hate my dad, and I wish he was dead. But my dad is the only person the society will not kill, because my mother, the wife of the leader, asked not to kill him. I don't see why, my dad hit her, abused her in every way, yet she is still so nice to him and saving him. If I ever have to face him, I can't promise to hold back, I will kill that fucker.
The society, is my only current safe space where I can speak my truth. It's the place to be for people struggling with loneliness or safety. For me it is both, first only loneliness, but then I killed my first person. Once you kill one person, there is no way out. You are haunted forever, but I know the society will always be there for me.
It's not just a club of friends together trying to form a bond, we have technicians and hackers in our team, that will look all over the dark web for crimes. Such as, people getting abused by their partner or family, women who are getting sex trafficked, we help people who are behind bars- because they have been framed or false accused -break out of prison. The society even helps people with debts. We are not just people who come together without a goal.
The society is dangerous.

"Hey Levine, been a while man, how have you been holding up?" Tyler says to me, Tyler, my brother, member for 22 years now. It feels good seeing my brother again after a long time. The reason why I don't see my brothers as often as I'd like, is because we all have to have a job to cover our work in the society, and I, stupidly, chose a teacher at a medical school. Without it I wouldn't have met Kat.
The cave lighting shines on my suit as I step closer to him. The blood isn't too noticeable on my black suit, but it is on my perfectly white, ironed shirt.
I turn around to give my brother a tight hug, and pat him roughly on his back. Tyler coughs, right, not as tough as the rest of the group. Tyler is still training hard to go on missions with the rest of the group, but he's still young, and has a lot to train for. Still, he is much stronger than any normal 22 year old.
"If it isn't Tyler Raven!" I will never get used to the fact we don't share the same last name. But it would be even weirder for me if I took Dante's last name Raven. I am not his biological son, he is my step father, which I'm already grateful enough for. Dante is the best step dad towards me and the best biological dad to Silas, Elijah and Tyler.
Even though Dante told me it was fine to take his last name I declined multiple times. I already changed my last name once,- from my fathers last name, to my mother's last name. Now I am the only one in the family with a different last name, an outsider, as I have always been. -I'm not changing it a second time, my mother's last name is beautiful, just like her. So I'm appreciating it for the rest of my life.
"Looks like you had a fun night. Who was it? What did he do?" A grin forms on my face, he likes the idea of torture upon guilty people almost as much as I do, maybe even more. But doing it, is not allowed yet.
"He touched my girl."
His mouth forms an O. "Not a smart move." Tyler pauses. "Since when do you have a girl?"
"Not too long, I met her here above ground."
I am an expert in body language, but Tyler shows that he is proud of me for finding a girlfriend. He knows I don't fall in love easily. Maybe that's for the better, my love turns into pure obsession.
"You should bring her around some day." He tells me in a joking tone as I walk past him to report my murder.
"Ha ha, always the funny joker." I tap his shoulder and move past him to the office.
All I have to do is fill out a simple form.

Name Murderer: James Nicolas Levine
Age Murderer: 30 years old
Member number: 11
Murder weapon: Knife
Place of death: Old Levine's mansion
Name of victim: Liam Sallow
Age of victim: 24 years old
Reason for murder: Groping
Time of death: 1:04 AM
Witnesses: None

Now I am 100% sure his parents will see this, I am curious about their reaction. Although probably, they won't show much weakness to his children. Liam was useless anyway.

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