Chapter Six

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Kat Claire:
The blue dress is all the way down to the floor. A side split that shows a bit of my leg, it's kind of sexy somewhere. I don't necessarily have blue boots that would fit this outfit.
I'm not even sure blue and blue would fit, so I put on the black pumps of my mom. She doesn't like me taking her things, but prom would be the only exception.
A few minutes before seven I make my way down the stairs. The nerves in my body are telling me not to eat anything or I will throw it all up over my beautiful dress.
"Woah honey, you look so beautiful." My mom tells me, tears popping in her eyes. She looks so happy and proud of me. After a long and tough week of fighting with my friends, this is the happiest moment. A happy moment that I really needed for my week to not go completely to hell.
"Our daughter is growing up so soon..."
My dad seems like he wants to say more but the room is filled with the loud gasp of my little sister.
"WOW! You look... Amazing..." She steps closer. "That," a silence and she steps even closer, looking at my bright red lips. "is my lipstick." Since Lena turned 16, she has had an obsession with make-up, sometimes I steal her make-up to make myself look pretty. Only when she doesn't know, now she caught me.
"No! I have plenty of lipsticks myself, and this one is mine." I say, clearly lying, she can always tell by the pink shade on my cheeks.
"Girls girls, please let's not fight over this it's just lipstick."
"Dad!" We yell at him, in sync, which eases most of the tension.
Our conversation gets interrupted by the ring of a doorbell.
He's here.
I hold my breath, hoping no one in my family can see how nervous I am.
"I'm guessing that's your date, you shouldn't keep him waiting."
"You're right mom."
It only takes three steps to cross the room and hug her tightly.
"I love you so much, mom..." Then I face my dad, who is looking at me with a full-on proud smile. "I love you too dad."
"And what about me?"
"Of course Lena, I love you a lot too. I really need to go to my date now, or he will leave without me. I love you guys all so much! See you tonight!" I say the last part as I'm running down the hallway.
The door swings open. Sometimes I forget we switched doors. The door we used to have was quite heavy, which is why you needed to open it with a lot of force. But this new door is very light, if you pull on it even a little it smacks you right in the face.
Second-hand embarrassment drips off my face. Liam seems to find it funny.
"Hi beautiful." Finally, my eyes reach his outfit. A perfect blue suit, the same blue that my dress is, as if we were matching, what a coincidence.
"Hey, you look... Stunning." There is a huge smile on his face.
"You must be seeing yourself in my reflection, because look at you." I do a quick spin to show him the back of the dress, straps draped over my back, keeping the dress up.
"Wonderful Kat, really."
Never before have I felt such attraction towards Liam, maybe because I always saw how he is with his friends. I didn't bother looking at him like a person. Which is too bad, because Liam is a true gentleman who never fails to get me to blush.
The weather is perfect, a hard winter day for a winter prom. Exactly how I imagined a prom to be 6 years ago.
"Well hello, who might you be?" When I turn around my little sister Lena is staring wide eyed at Liam. Although Liam is 8 years older than her, she seems madly in love. Like he is the high school bully every girl would fall in love with. For me that guy is James.
In an attempt to get him out of my head I shake my head, shaking the thoughts stuck on the walls of my brain away.
Never in the 16 years that she has been alive have I seen her so nervous. If I'm honest it seems as if Liam is trying his hardest to make her nervous. Playing a little, I like him more for it. Not everything has to be serious all the time.
"Hello Lena, you look wonderful, I promise I will be bringing your sister home safely." He takes my arm and we both leave Lena behind completely flustered. Knowing Lena, she will obsess about this forever, write about it in her diary and tell all of her friends a guy of 24 said she looks wonderful, while she is in her pajama's.
Liam holds the door of his car open. It's a large grey Mercedes, I never knew Liam was rich, so rich even he could afford a beautiful car like this one. "Your sister seems nice." He tells me as I slide into the pre heated seats.
He really does think about everything.
"Trust me, from now on, she is obsessed with you. She will always be asking me when you are coming over again."
Liam laughs. Like actually laughs. It's one of the most mesmerizing laughs I've heard, it rings through my ears, like angels singing my favorite song.
"I hope that's a good sign."
"We will see after tonight." I say, keeping the tension between us secretive.
"Are we keeping secrets now?" The tone in his voice is seductive, to make the tension in my body even worse, he rests his hand on my bare thigh.
Why did I have to choose a dress with a side split.
There is no possible way for me to keep steady control over my breath, so I hold it.
"Kat?" The expression that was fixated on my thigh a few seconds ago, looks up to meet his. Worry, there is worry in his eyes.
"Is everything okay? I asked you a question."
It's going to be so difficult to keep my focus on Liam instead of James. I constantly see his face in front of mine. My hand reaches for my cheek, the exact spot where he touched me not even 3 hours ago.
"You seem awfully pale, we don't have to go if you don't want to. I can drop you back at your house and we could watch a movie together."
If I'm honest, I would like that more than anything right now. But I don't tell him. We both paid money for this, we both looked forward to this. I don't want to let the introverted version of me take the lead. So I simply shake my head
"Liam, we are doing this." There is a pause, in which I rest my hand on his that still lays on my thigh. He flips his hand around to hold mine and squeezes it tightly. "Together." The most handsome smile blooms on his face, it falls together with his dirty blonde hair.
Liam lets go of my leg to park the car next to a hundred other cars. We are clearly not the first to arrive to the party.

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