Finally! (Camren)

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Request: Lucastrans2006

I hope you like it.

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Y/n's POV

"So, did it work?" I ask, looking at Camila. The brown-eyed Latina averts her gaze from the pregnancy test in her hand and looks at me. Her tears in her eyes tell me everything.

"No, it didn't," she replies, her voice trembling.

I glance at the green-eyed woman sitting beside me. Lauren stands up and goes to Camila. "Don't cry, Camz. It will happen for us eventually," she tries to comfort the teary-eyed Latina.

"When? We've been trying for four months," Camila murmurs in despair. Lauren sits next to her and wraps her arm around her, and the smaller Latina buries her face in Lauren's neck. I see sadness in Lauren's eyes, and tears well up, breaking my heart as I witness their pain.

I get up and sit on the other side of Camila. I want to do everything to comfort her, but I know that words may not be enough. Camila moves away from Lauren and embraces me instead. I gently put my arm around her, reassuring her that I'm here for her.

It's a terrible feeling to know that your loved one is suffering, but it's even worse when both of your loved ones are in pain. That's the situation I'm in. Lauren, Camila, and I have been trying for a baby for four months, but each time, it doesn't work out. Both of my women feel guilty about it.

"I'm sorry it didn't work out again," I whisper softly. "But we can't give up. It will happen eventually. Together, we can handle anything." I say, looking at Lauren and hugging Camila tighter. Lauren smiles gently, and I return the smile.

"Yeah, Mila, Y/n is right. We'll make it happen," Lauren says with hope in her voice, gently stroking the back of the smaller Latina.

Camila's POV

Since that night when Lauren and I received another negative result, two months have passed. Since then, we've decided to eat healthier and exercise to increase our chances.

And now, Lauren and I are sitting in our bedroom, waiting for the test results.

"I'm scared, Lo," I say, looking at my trembling hands on my knees. Lauren places her hand on mine, and I look at her, comforted by her smile.

Suddenly, a loud beeping sound fills the room. I look at the green-eyed woman with terror.

"It's time, Cami," she says, getting up from the bed we were sitting on and goes to get our pregnancy tests. When she returns, she hands me one.

"You go first," she says, her face showing concern. I nod and open it.

Please, let it be positive. I repeat to myself with hope.

I look at the result and feel my heart stop. I place my hand over my mouth, and tears fill my eyes. Tears of happiness, as I see two lines.


I jump to my feet and scream, "Lo! Lo, it worked! I'm pregnant!"

"Really?" Lauren looks at me in disbelief. I nod.

"Oh my..." She gets up. "I'm so happy, Camz." She kisses me, and after a moment, we part.

"And what about you?" I ask, looking at her. I can see fear and anxiety in her eyes. But she takes her test and checks it. I see a look of immense joy on her face.

"It worked for me too! I'm pregnant too!" She exclaims, her eyes filling with tears of happiness. Lauren and I hug each other, full of joy and tears. This time, they are tears of happiness, not sadness.

"We have to tell Y/n."  

We invite her to her favorite restaurant, where we will share the wonderful news.

Y/n's POV

When Lauren and Camila invited me to my favorite restaurant, I felt excited.

I know they brought me here for an important reason. But what is it?

I don't know.

After finishing the meal, I look at both girls who are smiling at me. Impatience gets the best of me, and I ask, "Will you finally tell me what's going on?"

Both look at each other excitedly, as if they're coordinating something. After a moment, Camila nods. They turn back to me. Lauren places her hand on mine and gently squeezes it.

"What we're about to tell you, Y/n, is very important," she starts, and her smile is like a ray of sunshine, brightening the entire restaurant.

"Yes, it's something truly wonderful," Camila adds.

"You can't leave me in suspense like this," I say, smiling back at them. "What is it?"

"We're pregnant!" They both exclaim at the same time.

I can't believe what I just heard. It feels like I'm dreaming, but seeing their delightful laughter, I know it's not a dream.

"R-really?" I ask them. "You're not kidding me?"

They both confirm happily that it's true, and my heart starts beating faster.

"This is amazing!" I shout with joy, getting up from my chair. People in the restaurant give me disapproving glances, and I blush. "I'm sorry," I say, sitting back down.

Lauren and Camila chuckle at my reaction.

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