Shopping 2 (Lauren)

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Request:  masterofpuppetsss69

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Lauren's POV

Finally home.

I thought as I got out of the car and walked to the front door of the house. I had had a really hard day at work today and all I wanted now was to spend time with my family. I wanted to hide in my wife's strong arms and listen to my son talk about his day.

I'm really happy with how my life turned out. Although I was afraid at first, I decided to tell Y/n about my pregnancy, fortunately, this news pleased her and a month later she proposed to me, and after the birth of our son, we got married. And now the three of us make a truly wonderful and loving family and I really still can't believe that my life has turned out this way, I have a wonderful son and an equally wonderful partner. I am a very lucky woman.

I looked in my handbag for my keys. Once I found them, I took them out and opened the door.

"I'm back!" I shouted, expecting to hear the clatter of my son's little feet and the Y/n following him, but instead I heard nothing. I furrowed my eyebrows and moved on.

"Y/n? Javi? Are you here?" I asked, hoping for an answer, but was still answered by silence. It's really strange, as far as I know they should be at home.

I checked the kitchen and living room and none of them were there, I looked in the garden and even checked the bathroom but still nothing so I went upstairs to look for them. When I went upstairs I heard the TV from my and Y/n's bedroom and immediately headed there. I peeked inside and felt my heart swell at the sight I saw.

Y/n and our son lay on the bed snuggled together while Javier's favorite cartoon, How to Train Your Dragon, was on.

I smiled, opened the door slightly to let myself in and walked over to them, trying to be quiet because Javier did not have a strong sleep and I didn't want to wake him up. I leaned over and kissed my son on the forehead, he moved restlessly, but did not wake up, and I sighed with relief. Then I went around the bed and did the same with my wife, who sleeps like a bear and is always hard to wake up, and then I turned off the TV.

After that, I left the room and went downstairs to the kitchen, where I left my handbag and phone. I grabbed a glass from the kitchen cabinet and poured myself a juice from the refrigerator and sat down at the table. 

 I drank the juice and washed the glass, then took my phone out of my handbag. I decided to go back upstairs and take a picture of Javi and Y/n, because they looked really cute.

I went back to the bedroom where my son and my wife were sleeping and took a picture of them. Immediately after that, I set the photo as wallpaper on my phone.

I smiled and looked at them and saw that Javier's green eyes were open. He looked at me for a moment, then smiled broadly and quickly got up to hug me.

"Mami you're back!" He jumped off the bed and put his arms around my waist.

"Hi honey."

Javi stepped back and looked at me smiling, his eyes shining with excitement. He had the same expression on Y/n's face when she got excited about something. Overall, Javier, despite having my green eyes, is more like Y/n than he is like me, especially when he's excited or has that infamous smirk that shows he's accomplished something.

"Mami! Do you know what happened today?" I shook my head. 

Suddenly we heard Y/n move, I looked at her and fortunately she did not wake up.

"But before you tell me, let's go to the living room, so as not to wake your mother." The boy nodded, saluted and ran to the living room, and I followed him, giggling slightly at his behavior. Every time I came home from work Javi would tell me about his day, it was our daily routine, which I loved.

"So, what were you and your mom doing interesting today?" I asked, entering the living room and sitting down next to my son on the couch.

"Me and mom went for ice cream after school!" He exclaimed happily.

"Relly?" I asked in a tone as if what my son said was the most unbelievable thing in the world.

"Mhm, but that's not what I wanted to tell you about."

And he began to tell me how, after ice cream, he went for a walk in the park with his mother and met a new friend there. "Her name is Bay and she's really cool." He said.

He said that he had really enjoyed his time with his new friend and that he hoped he would be able to meet and play with her again, and I listened and was glad that my life now looked like this.

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