Little secret 2 (Lauren)

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Y/n is male.

Y/n's POV

It's been a few days since Lauren told me about her daughter. Now I'm outside her house with crayons in one hand and I don't know what to do. I'm really afraid to knock, because I don't know if the girl will like me. Lauren told me a little bit about Lizzie, that's why I have crayons, because she really likes to paint, I also know that the girl is 3 years old and is very talkative and not shy with strangers.

I took a deep breath and finally knocked on the door, after a while the door opened. In the doorway stood Lauren and when she saw me she smiled broadly and I couldn't hold back a smile at the sight of her either, she looked beautiful.

"Y/n, you are finally there." She said when I went inside. 

"Hi." I kissed her on the cheek, and the green-eyed woman smiled. Lauren grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and pulled me in for a kiss.

Just as our lips were about to touch, we suddenly heard the voice of a girl speaking to us. "Mom, is this your new boyfriend?" The beautiful woman quickly moved away from me and I turned around and saw a girl who very much resembled her mother. Especially since, like Lauren, she had green eyes that were now staring at me with curiosity.

Lauren smiled and said. "Yes, this is my boyfriend, Y/n." She looked at me. "And this is my daughter, Lizzie."

I looked at the girl, walked over and knelt down to be her height. ""Hi, Lizzie." I said smiling at her and shaking her hand.

"Hi." Replied the girl with a smile and grabbed my hand.

"Do you want to play with me?" She asked hopefully, making puppy eyes. I laughed because she was now similar to her mother.

"Like seeing you." I said to my girlfriend. Lauren slapped me lightly on the shoulder, but also giggled. I looked again at the smaller version of Lauren, who was still looking hopeful.


I could not refuse such a request and said. "Of course, I'd love to play with you. What do you want to do?"

Lizzie jumped up in joy.

"Can we build a castle out of blocks and play queen and knight?" I nodded with a smile and we went to her room. Lizzie demonstrated to me her huge box of blocks, which was filled with colorful blocks in various shapes and sizes.

"That looks amazing." I said admiring the wealth of toys. 

"I know, right? I have a whole box of them. I must have the best castle in the whole kingdom!" she said with a smile.

"Of course, and who will be the queen?" I asked, looking at her.

"Of course I will be!" replied Lizzie immediately.

"Then I will be the knight who protects your kingdom!" I said with a smile and we started building the castle.

We spent an hour stacking blocks, creating walls and towers, until finally our castle looked impressive. Lizzie put on her favorite dress and crown, and I took her sword and shield.

"Long live Queen Lizzie!" I said, raising the sword.

"Long live Knight Y/n!" Shouted Lizzie.

We spent the rest of the day playing with our castle and pretending we were queen and knight. I felt happy to spend time with Lizzie and see how creative and imaginative she is.

Several hours passed, and Lizzie and I were still playing in the block castle. 

We both heard a knock on the door, and I turned to see that Lauren was looking at us with a smile.

"Come on, it's time for dinner." She said.

"But mom, we're not done yet!" The girl complained.

"Later on, will you finish well, darling? Now come on."

"Good." Lizzie sighed.

When we arrived downstairs the food was already on the table, so all three of us sat down at it.

"How did you pass the time?" The green-eyed woman asked when everyone had already put their food on.

Lizzie enthusiastically began to talk about our fun, and Lauren looked lovingly at her daughter. I also listened from time to time adding something. 

We had dinner, talking about our interests and plans for the future. Meanwhile, Lizzie told us about her adventures at school.

"I'm glad we can spend time together." I said with a smile, looking at Lauren and Lizzie.

"Me too." Lauren replied, smiling back. "I hope we can do it more often."

"Yes, me too." I replied, feeling happy.

When we ate, Lizzie and I helped Lauren put the dishes in the dishwasher, despite the woman telling us "I can handle it."

Unfortunately, after I finished cleaning, it turned out to be late, so I started getting ready to leave.

"Do you really have to go now?" Lizzie asked as I was putting on my shoes.

"Yes, I have to go now. But I promise we'll see each other soon," I replied, looking at Lizzie and smiling.

"Okay, but when will you come back?" She asked, looking at me with hopeful eyes.

"How about next weekend? Would you like that?" I suggested.

"Yay!" She exclaimed, jumping up and down. "Can we build another castle?"

"Sure, we can do whatever you want," I said, ruffling her hair.

"Thank you for coming, Y/n." Lauren said, walking us to the door.

"Thank you for inviting me. It was a pleasure to spend time with you and Lizzie." I replied, smiling at her.

"Take care, Y/n." Lauren said as I kissed her goodbye and I stepped outside.

"You too." I replied, waving at her and Lizzie as I walked to my car.

As I drove away, I couldn't help but feel happy and excited about my next visit with Lauren and Lizzie.

- - - - - - - - 

It's been a few months since I met Lizzie and I really liked her. So the three of us, me, Lizzie and Lauren, started meeting more and more often. I was really happy to be a part of their lives.

But nothing beats the happiness I felt when Lizzie first said "Daddy" to me. It happened when I came to visit them to watch some movies together. 

"Can we start the movie?" I asked when I returned from the bathroom and saw that Lauren and Lizzie had chosen what we were going to watch.

"Yes!" Lizzie squealed excitedly, and Lauren and I laughed.

I sat down next to them and the movie began.

During the movie, Lizzie hugged me, and I felt my heart swell with happiness. I looked at Lauren, and she smiled at me, knowing how much it meant that her daughter accepted me.

Halfway through the video, Lizzie turned to me with a big smile on her face.

"Y/n, can I call you Daddy?" she asked, and my heart stopped. I looked at Lauren, unsure of what to do, and she gave me a reassuring nod.

"Of course you can, sunshine." I said, pulling her into a hug.

"Yay!" Lizzie exclaimed, snuggling back into my side.

I couldn't believe it. In a short time, Lizzie had become such an important part of my life, and I was honored that she wanted to call me Daddy.

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