Help in need (Lauren)

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Chapter corrected.

Lauren's POV

I was walking home from work, and since it was a pleasant winter evening (Even though I'm from Miami and not used to such weather.), I decided to walk. The streetlights gave off a warm light, illuminating the falling snowflakes. 

"Just a few more minutes and I'll be home." I thought out loud. Unfortunately, a tunnel under the streets separated me from home. Entering the tunnel, I felt uneasy.

I wanted to retreat, but it was the fastest way home, so I kept walking. About in the middle of the passage stood four men. They were standing around a lit campfire and talking loudly about something. Beside them I was alone. I wanted to walk past them unnoticed, but unfortunately fate wanted otherwise.

"Hey beautiful." said one of them. I felt a shudder at his obnoxious tone. I decided to walk on, pretending not to hear them.

"Wait honey." Again the hideous tone. I wanted to speed up my step, but suddenly I felt someone grab my arm and turn me toward him.

"Do you hear what I'm saying to you!" he said. The face of the man standing in front of me was contorted in anger. "I told you to wait."

"S-sorry, I didn't hear." I stammered scared. The man smiled, but continued to hold my arm, preventing me from escaping.

"Don't worry, you'll make it up to us." He turned around and started dragging me to the other men.

"N-no, I have to go now."

I broke free from his grip and started running for the stairs. He didn't want to let me go, however, and caught up with me, pulling my coat backwards. 

"He-...!" I wanted to scream, to save myself, when my mouth was violently covered. He pulled me back to the makeshift bonfire. I tried to break out of his grasp, but the man was stronger than me.

"Don't pull out like that, honey, you'll need your strength for later." The men laughed ominously. Their faces were illuminated by the fire, so I could see their faces. The men were dirty and their faces were framed by ragged stubble. Their glassy eyes stared at me ominously. They were like predators staring at their prey.

My heart was pounding and time stopped. I didn't know what to do, I was afraid.

"Let her go." Said one of the homeless men. I was pushed to the ground and that refreshed me. I fell to my knees, but felt no pain from the adrenaline. I looked down at them.

"How beautiful she is." One of them whispered. They tried to surround me, but in an instant, in a surge of courage, I threw myself into flight. I managed to push through and somehow reached the stairs. Behind me, I could hear the screams of homeless people who didn't dare chase me. I heard some cursing, but I didn't pay attention to it, because I managed to get outside.

Once I was outside, I put my hands on my knees and breathed a sigh of relief. Steam was coming out of my mouth. People who passed me sometimes looked at me curiously as I slowly recovered. Once I calmed down, I realized what had happened. Or rather, what could have happened if I hadn't run away. It occurred to me that if I hadn't run away, they would have raped me.

I was already about to reach into my handbag for my phone and call a cab when I realized my handbag was missing.

"Those savages took my handbag." I thought.

I didn't know what to do, I had literally everything in this handbag: house keys, money, chewing gum and a lot of other things. Now I had nothing. I was tired, scared and without anything. Tears began to run down my cheeks, though I tried to suppress them.

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