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The party was the biggest priority. Even when Wooyoung was still struggling with getting used to it all. His ex, Seon Woo still didn't let up but Wooyoung was more confident in handling it. 

He didn't want me getting too involved so I agreed but it was so fucking difficult to sit back and ignore his ex. 

However,  it was easier to ignore him the day of the party. It was only going to be the eight of us and that's what Woo was content with. We were the only ones who knew and it would stay that way unless he decided otherwise. 

When Wooyoung and I walked through the door after I spent the past five minutes giving him a small pep talk, he was immediately bombarded with confetti as Yunho shouted, "Surprise, you're gay!" 

Wooyoung made an expression like he was caught between wanting to laugh and killing Yunho and it just made me chuckle. 

"How many guys have you slept with?" Yunho asked, always the one to change the tone. 

I choked on my drink, taking a second to regain myself. "Goddamit, Yunho. Give me the goddamn shot." I said, holding my hand out. 

Yunho rolled his eyes, pouring me a heavy handed shot. "You're no fun." 

"You know why he can't answer that? Because there's been too many to count." Jongho interjected, making me glare at him as he snickered. 

"Would it really be a coming out party if somebody didn't talk about gay sex?" Mingi said, in support of his boyfriend and it made me sigh. 

Both of them. 


"In theme with this line of questioning, because why not? Wooyoung, are you a top or bottom?" Seonghwa asked, the alcohol killing his remaining brain cell. 

"I'm a switch!" Wooyoung protested. 

"He's a bottom." Jongho said. 

"Okay, I'm a bottom. How did you know that?" Wooyoung shot him a pointed glare. 

"Really?" Jongho asked and it just flustered Woo more. 

"I'm also a bottom, it's okay." Seonghwa, said reassuringly and it made me laugh. "What?!" 

"I think you've had a good amount to drink." I said. 

When Seonghwa was drunk, he was adorable and very cuddly. I was surprised Joong had tolerated it as much as he did because Seonghwa was currently attached to his side. Or more like his lap with where he was sitting. 

I couldn't judge though, because I was also lightweight when it came to drinking. I mostly stuck to weed. I wasn't a huge fan of the affects of alcohol so while I usually smoked, Jongho usually drank. 

Hwa pouted, leaning against Joong. 

"Don't worry, I got him." Hongjoong said when he saw my worried look. 

"Let's all go home." Seonghwa said, getting off of Joong though Hongjoong had to quickly stand up to steady him. It wasn't the most normal request since Seonghwa, being the lightweight he was, always wanted to be the last to leave the party.   

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