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[CW: This chapter will involve mentions of abuse and sexual harrassment, so please be warned.] 


Things were going great. A little too great. And would it really be my life if something didn't come and wreck it all? 

No. The answer was no. 

Because that would too easy. 

I was going out with San a lot more, just the two of us, and it was really nice. Jongho never seemed to mind it so I thought that maybe he was fine with us hanging out now for whatever reason. We were just hanging out around campus when I saw my ex, making his way over and every bit of happiness I had managed to have in the past months....were ripped away from my body and stomped into the mud. 

I hadn't seen him since I was sixteen and we ended things horribly. 

So why was he coming here now? San had been trying to get my attention, confused to why I just suddenly started ignoring him. 

"Let's go." I said hurriedly, grabbing my things and standing up. 

"What, why?" San asked even as he grabbed his own stuff. 

"Wooyoung!" Seon Woo shouted, trying to get my attention as he ran over to us. "I've been looking for you. Your roommate said I could find you here." 

"You talked to Mingi?" I breathed, feeling horrified that he was even around Mingi whatsoever. I hoped to god Yunho wasn't there, I hoped that he was okay. 

"Yeah, he's a great guy." He reached over to me to give me a hug as a greeting which I immediately reeled away from, glaring at him. "Sorry, I didn't mean to cross a line. You are just usually a huggy person." 

I could see out of the corner of my eye, San watching both of us warily, a clear question on his face. Finally Seon Woo turned his attention to San, smiling at him and it took everything I had to not run with San right then and there. I didn't want him looking at San. I didn't want him talking to San. I didn't want him to be here in the first fucking place. 

He held his hand out for San to shake, a bright smile on his face, "I'm sorry, I'm being rude. My name is Seon Woo, it's nice to meet you. I'm Wooyoung's-" 

"Old friend!" I blurted, trying to keep that word from his mouth. 

As if he didn't hear me which I knew he did, he just continued, "Also I'm his ex." He said it like he had the right to, like it mattered to San somehow and that he wasn't very subtly sizing San up. 

"Your ex?" San asked me, the confusion evident. I mean of course he would, in his mind I was straight. I was straight to everyone other than Jongho and Mingi. 

Seon Woo looked at me, and I wondered how I ever craved that look. I wondered how I ever wanted him because standing here now, it just made my gut churn. I knew how he treated me wasn't right, I knew that from day one. I just accepted it in hopes I could fix him, even if it sounded pathetic. 

"You look great, Wooyoung. I almost didn't recognize you-"

"What do you want?" I asked, trying to get to the point of why he was here. 

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