Chapter Thirteen

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Days later, Eleanor had to find her father. When the place Natasha was at was attacked, Eleanor was extremely worried. Her father told her to go stay with Pepper until he said it was safe to leave. Eleanor didn't really care about getting anyone's permission to do anything, so when she hadn't heard from her father in a few days, she became worried.

So, unbeknownst to him, she activated the tracker she had set in his suit, as well as Sam's suit. Normally wherever Steve went, Sam wasn't too far behind. It was like Batman and Robin, but Sam was Robin. It was funny, but she knew better than to mention it to Sam, he'd get upset over the joke.

"I found them," Eleanor told Pepper,"Are you sure you're okay with me going?" She asked, and Pepper nodded.

"It's your dad, El, I get it," Pepper replied,"I've got James as long as you need." She added, and Eleanor smiled.

"Thank you, Pepper." Eleanor said, as she gave the woman a hug.

Eleanor didn't bother grabbing anything like clothes. She simply put on her "super suit" which she started calling it after watching the Incredibles with Sam. Once she had it on, she grabbed her weapons and ran out the door. She knew exactly where she was going, since she was following their moving spots on her tracker.

It took some time, but after hours and hours of searching, she had found them. The girl quietly snuck into the room where her father and Sam were. The building was either closed or abandoned, she didn't know, she just knew that nobody was around. Once she was in the room, she tiptoed over to Sam.

"Sammy!" She yelled, causing him to jump.

"Jesus christ, Eleanor!" He cried out, as he whipped around to see her.

"What are you doing here?" Steve asked, crossing her arms.

"You didn't call for a few days, and I got worried. So, I activated my trackers on you guys, and boom, I'm here." She replied, causing him to furrow his eyebrows.

"Trackers?" He questioned, and she smiled.

"I put trackers on you and Sam. You guys won't find them, so don't even bother trying. I just use them for emergencies anyway, so I know exactly where you guys are if there's an emergency, like when I haven't heard from you in a few days." She said, causing him to sigh.

"I'm sorry, Eleanor." He replied, making her nod.

Moments later, Eleanor heard another voice in the room. She looked over and seen a man with a metal arm. She furrowed her eyebrows, since she had never seen the man before. She knew he wasn't a familiar, but she had a feeling her father knew him, since he was only being held down by his metal arm.

"Who's that?" Eleanor asked, looking over at Sam.

"That's the Winter Soldier," Sam replied, causing the man to grimace,"or well, Bucky Barnes, your father's best friend from a long time ago." He explained, and Eleanor nodded.

"Buck, meet Eleanor," Steve motioned to the girl,"Ellie, meet Bucky." He introduced, and the two awkwardly waved at each other.

"I didn't know you had it in you to have a kid, Steve." Bucky commented, making Eleanor laugh.

"No, I'm adopted. He's still a virgin." She replied, causing Sam and Bucky to laugh, but Steve blushed.

"Eleanor," Steve scolded, before turning back to Bucky,"you'll meet her son James later." He commented, and Bucky's eyebrows furrowed.

"You have a kid?" He questioned, looking at Eleanor.

"Yeah, it was an accident, but I love him. He's an amazing baby." She replied, causing the man to softly smile.

"What's his full name?" Bucky asked, and he watched a smile appear on Eleanor's face.

"James Steven Rogers," She answered,"I really liked the name James, and Steven was after Steve, 'cause he saved me from dying in the streets. Steve adopted me right before I had James, and I can never repay him for that." She said, a happy smile staying on her face.

"That boy projectile vomits on people." Sam commented, making Eleanor roll her eyes.

"He only does it to you because you're his favorite, Sammy." She joked, and he laughed sarcastically.

"Are you going back now that you know where we are and what's going on?" Steve asked his daughter, but she shook her head.

"Pepper has James, so for now, I'm free. I can help you with whatever you need." She replied, and he simply nodded.

"Is that a good idea?" Sam asked, making her shrug.

"The sooner I help you guys, the sooner I can get back to watching House without worrying about you two." She said, causing him to smirk.

"You really do care." He jokingly cooed, wrapping his arms around the girl.

"You keep on, and this little team will be short a member." She retorted, and he chuckled.

"I'll take my chances." He replied, patting her head like she was a small child.

The group didn't get to talk for much longer, before Steve's plan went into motion. Eleanor really didn't know what was going on, she was just along for the ride. She was ready to fight when she needed to, and that's all that mattered. As long as she was ready to defend herself, she'd be good to go.

Steve didn't know the extent of how much training she had been given. He didn't know how strong or smart Eleanor was. If he had known, he would've called her before he even thought of his plan. Clint, Wanda, and Scott Lang were a part of the team thar Steve had called together.

The team was put together so that they could protect Bucky. She had learned thar Bucky had been framed for the murder of King T'Chaka. She didn't know too much about it, but she knew a little bit. She knew what she needed to know, and that was about it. She really wasn't much of a questioning person when it came to getting ready to fight a battle...

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