Chapter Four

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The next morning, Eleanor was woken up by Wanda. Wanda had walked into the girl's room and lightly shook her awake. Eleanor stayed in the same clothes Sam had lent to her, but she made sure to fix her hair and put on her shoes. Once she was ready, Wanda brought her to the kitchen for breakfast.

"I expect to see at least three hundred spent on clothes for you, Eleanor," Tony said, as Steve set a plate of pancakes in front of Eleanor,"I also expect to see quite a bit for the baby. When you get to the baby store, have Wanda call us and I'll send over some help for the baby's things." He added, and she nodded, knowing better than to argue.

"Do you know what you're having?" Natasha asked, causing Eleanor to shake her head.

"No, not yet. I actually haven't been to any doctor since I found out I was pregnant." Eleanor replied, a frown etching it's way on her face.

"I'll have Pepper handle that while you're out." Tony commented, nodding to the girl.

"Pick up a phone while you're out. I'd like to know you're able to contact me if something happens." Steve said, causing Eleanor to nod once again.

"If you start craving something, you better let us know early. I'm not getting up at three in the morning because you want ice cream." Sam commented, a playful smirk on his face.

Natasha scoffed lightly, rolling her eyes at the man.

"As if you won't be the person we send out every time." She retorted, making him scoff as well.

Once she was done eating, she and Wanda were able to leave for the store.

"You should get clothes of all sizes, since you will lose weight after having the baby." Wanda commented, as they walked around the clothing store.

"Do you think I should get a few dresses for when I'm too big to wear pants?" Eleanor asked, causing Wanda to nod.

"You will want them to be nice, so you can wear them when you are not pregnant too." Wanda answered, grabbing a couple of nice dresses for Eleanor.

Wanda had picked out quite a few things for Eleanor, which she would not let the girl put back if they fit. She also made Eleanor get a few pairs of shoes, boots, sandals, and heels, even though Eleanor had wanted to refuse them.

"Once you have the baby, Tony will probably send you on a shopping trip for new clothes again." Wanda said, as she used Tony's card to pay for Eleanor's things.

Once all of her bags and boxes were in the car, Wanda brought the girl to a store for a phone. Eleanor found a phone that wasn't too expensive, as well as a nice case to go on it. As soon as her phone was set up, Wanda told her to call Steve.

"Hello?" He asked, his voice rather confused.

"Hey, it's Elle, Wanda told me to call. We're headed to the baby store, and we'd like someone to help us with the baby stuff." Eleanor said, as she pointed out the baby store she wanted to go to.

"I'm sending Sam to help," He replied, and she heard Sam whine "Man!" on the other end of the phone,"Pepper said to buy some baby clothes, even if it's just unisex. She said it's better for you to have them, just in case you go into labor early and don't know the gender." He added, and Eleanor smiled to herself.

"I will," She answered,"Thank you, Steve." She murmured, before ending the call.

As she and Wanda were in the store, she spotted Sam walking in. Wanda whistled for Sam, and soon enough he was walking over to them.

"Since you're here, you get to help choose the colors and furniture." Eleanor said, causing Sam to nod.

"I would get a dark brown or black, that way it's not as easily messed up. You don't want the baby getting older and drawing on the furniture, with dark furniture, you'd never be able to see any type of marker or crayon." Sam commented, as he pointed towards the darker cribs.

"I like this one. It's more like a sleigh bed, and it says it can be turned into a toddler bed." Eleanor murmured, and Wanda agreed.

"This fits with it, right Sam?" Wanda commented, pointing to the dresser and changing table near by.

"Yeah, I think it does." He replied, just as a clerk walked over.

"Can I help you with anything?" He asked, and Eleanor nodded.

"Yes, I want this crib, that dresser, and that changing table." She said, causing the clerk to nod.

"Are you taking them home today?" He asked, this time Sam answered.

"I will be grabbing them for her, but yes, they're for today." Sam replied, seeing how the clerk seemed to be gazing too fondly at Eleanor for Sam's liking.

"We are going to grab some things. You can get the furniture?" Wanda asked, and Sam nodded.

Wanda and Eleanor walked away and grabbed baby clothes, as well as a mattress for the crib. Wanda had been awake before Eleanor, so she knew that the others planned to have a baby shower soon. Instead of making Eleanor buy a huge amount of things like she did at the clothing store, Wanda let the girl stop when she wanted. By the time they were finished, Sam had already gotten the furniture in the back of his truck. Wanda paid with Tony's car once again, before the three of them went back to the Avengers place.

"So, how was shopping? Did you have fun?" Steve asked, as Eleanor sat down with a bottle of water.

"My feet hurt from walking so much, and Wanda wouldn't let me say 'no' to any clothes." Eleanor replied, causing Steve to chuckle.

Wanda had made Eleanor sit down, while she used her powers to carry all of the girl's bags and boxes to her room. Sam carried the furniture and placed the items in the room where he thought the furniture fit best. Once they were done, they came to the kitchen and sat with Eleanor. She was eating grapes that Steve had passed to her, so Sam and Wanda started stealing them from her bowl.

"Hey!" She exclaimed, trying to pull them away.

"Sharing is caring." Sam commented, causing Eleanor to roll her eyes.

"Steve!" She whined, and Steve chuckled.

Everything seemed a little more lively around the tower, and everyone seemed to hope it stayed that way...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. So, I was thinking she would be best friends with Wanda, but Sam is definitely going to be an annoying older brother at times.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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