Chapter Two

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The nights were growing cold, but Eleanor had to deal with it. Someone had stolen her jacket when she was sleeping, so she didn't have a jacket to keep her warm. All she had now was the pair of pants and the tshirt she was wearing. Her bag had been long forgotten along with the clothes inside that no longer fit her. She had to wear her pants unbuttoned at all times, since they could no longer button because of her growing belly. Her shirt covered everything though, so nobody could tell she was pregnant, or that her pants barely fit.

She didn't even have anymore money, because she had used it all over the two or so months she was out on the streets. She was now starving, but every so often, a nice man or lady would pass and give her some money, food, or water. One man had given her ten dollars and went to a fancy italian restaurant and ordered her some food. She was beyond grateful to him, to the point that she still remembered what he had bought her. That was the first day in almost two weeks that she had a full meal and had fallen asleep full.

It had now been almost three days since Eleanor had gotten food though, and she was beginning to grow weak. She could barely stand up, since the baby was taking most of her nutrients that she had left in her body. She hoped the baby would make it, but she was almost certain she wasn't even going to make it if she went any longer without food. She stood to her feet to keep walking and try to find a place that would give her food, or a safer place to stay if she wasn't going to be able to move around soon enough. She was having trouble walking; stumbling over her own two feet as she held herself up by placing her hand on the building next to her.

As she was trying to regain her balance, she began to feel lightheaded. Her legs began to buckle under her, but before she could hit the ground, she was caught by someone. Her eyes shot open, and her head turned to see who had caught her. The person was a man with blonde hair and he didn't look too old. He was wearing something a bit nicer than her, obviously since she was homeless and didn't have any nice clothes.

"Are you hurt? What's wrong?" He asked, looking down at her with worried eyes.

"I-I'm sorry." Is all she answered, causing Steve to frown.

Steve had been going to a restaurant to pick up food for him and a few others, when he had seen the girl. He could tell she was rather young, but he could also tell that there was something wrong with her. He had been lucky enough to just get to her before she hit the ground, but holding her in his arms, he could tell she was way lighter than she should be, and she was sickly pale.

"Can I do anything? Are you hungry?" He asked, causing her to nod slightly.

Steve quickly pulled the girl over to a restaurant that had tables outside. He had the girl sit down, as he ran inside and ordered her some food. He ordered food for himself and his friends as well, but he was making sure that food was to go, and that he'd get the girl's food first. As soon as the girl's food was ready, the cashier handed Steve the bag and he ran out to the girl.

"Here," He said, handing her the bag,"Eat." He added, watching as her fingers trembled while grabbing the bag.

Slowly, she opened the bag and pulled the food out. The food smelt amazing, and her mouth watered just by the looks of the food. He had simply ordered her a grilled ham and cheese sandwich with fries, but the food looked absolutely delicious, especially since she hadn't eaten in so long. The first bite made her almost gag, since she hadn't eaten in a while, but once she got the bite down, she started to feel a little better.

"Why were you out there?" Steve asked, as he sipped his water.

"My parents kicked me out over two months ago." She replied, causing Steve to frown.

"Why? What kind of parents would kick out there child?" He asked, making her sigh.

"They've always had a problem with me, but this was the last straw. They always made me cook, clean, and do everything for them, but when I told them I was pregnant, they freaked. They kicked me out. I guess they realized when I had the baby, I would focus on my baby and not on doing everything for them." She said, popping a fry in her mouth.

"How old are you?" He asked, glancing at her to try and guess.

"Sixteen," She answered, biting her lip,"I know you're going to call me an irresponsible teenager, but my friends were the ones who set me up. They got me blackout drunk, and didn't stop me from doing anything. Next thing I know, my friends ditched me and I'm pregnant." She commented, causing Steve to shake his head.

"I wasn't going to say that, but I was going to say your parents and friends are terrible," He replied,"How far along are you?" He asked, looking at her belly to try and see if he could spot a baby bump.

"Around four months I think. I can feel the baby moving, so I know it's still alive." She murmured, and he nodded.

"Do you have anywhere to go?" He asked, causing the girl to shake her head.

"No, I've been staying on the streets." She answered, finishing the last bit of her food.

A cashier came and gave Steve his large bag of food, as Eleanor stood up and threw away her garbage.

"Well, you do now. Come with me." He said, and she nodded.

Normally she would run for the hills, but for some reason, she felt completely safe with this man, though she didn't even know his name yet...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. So, she's met Steve! Steve has come to save the day!

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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