Chapter Five

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Over the four months that Eleanor had began to live with the Avengers, she started to loosen up a bit more. Steve had become more and more like a father figure to Eleanor. She felt safe and loved around him, more than she had with her birth father during her entire life. She had wanted to find out the gender of her baby, but Pepper had talked her out of it; wanting to do a surprise reveal for the girl once she was further along.

"Elle!" Wanda exclaimed, as she entered the girl's bedroom,"You need to get ready. Tasha and I have a dress picked out for you." She said, pulling a dress from behind her back.

"Why am I getting dressed up?" Eleanor groaned, scooting herself to the edge of the bed.

"We have a surprise for you. Tasha, Pepper, and I decided you needed to wear a dress for it." She replied, causing Eleanor to nod.

Eleanor was eight months pregnant, meaning she was quite huge. She had been put on bed rest, and she was only allowed out of bed a few times a day, as long as she had someone with her at all times. Even taking a shower was difficult for the girl, so Natasha, Wanda, or Pepper had to sit outside the bathroom door, just in case Eleanor needed help while she was showering. After her short shower, Eleanor slipped on a pair of panties and wrapped a towel around herself.

"I will help you with your dress and hair." Wanda commented, as soon as Eleanor came out of the bathroom.

Wanda slipped the dress over Eleanor's head, helping the girl pull it down over her swollen belly, before having the girl sit down so she could fix her hair. After her hair was fixed, Wanda helped the girl put on a pair of sandles, before grasping the girl's hand to help her stand up once again.

"Close you eyes. I promise I will not let you fall." Wanda said, as she took both of Eleanor's hands in her own.

When Eleanor's eyes were closed, Wanda slowly walked the girl to the main room.

"Open your eyes." Wanda whispered, moving out of the girl's line of sight.

"Surprise! Baby shower!" Everyone exclaimed, as soon as Eleanor's eyes were opened.

Eleanor felt tears come to her eyes as soon as she seen everyone smiling at her. Steve walked over and hugged the young girl, before bringing the girl to the couch to sit down.

"So, I know you don't know the gender, so to surprise you, everyone is going to get a cake pop, and when we find the colored cake pop, we'll know what the gender is." Pepper said, as Tony walked over with a tray of cake pops.

Pepper and Tony handed out the cake pops, before one at a time, people began to take a bite of their cake pops. Everyone watched as each person took a bite, showing a white cake pop on the inside, until the line got to Sam. Sam quickly took a bite, only for him to gasp and almost choke on his cake pop when he seen the color.

"It's a boy!" He exclaimed, after swallowing his bite of cake pop.

Everyone cheered, before Pepper decided it was time for food. She knew Eleanor was getting hungry, so she wanted the girl to eat before everyone showered her with baby gifts. Steve, Tony, and Pepper had discussed the food for days until they finally agreed on what to have. Pepper had picked miniature calzones and cheezy garlic knots, Tony had picked a platter of different sandwiches, and Steve had picked two of Eleanor's favorites; sausage balls and baked potato salad. Sam, Natasha, and Rhodey were on dessert duty, which wasn't as hard. Sam picked cupcakes, Natasha picked different bite sized snacks; such as bite size cheesecake and bite sized brownies, and Rhodey had picked cookies. Wanda had picked up baby shower themed candies, like chocolate and mints.

Once Eleanor had eaten a bit, leaving a big things of desserts and candies to the side, everyone began to grab the gifts they had gotten. Steve had gotten a few Captain America themed things, such as a glowing shield that acted as a nightlight, a Captain America blanket with a matching plush, and a few Captain America onesies, sleepers, and shirts. Tony had done similar, since he and Steve were fighting over who the boy would like more. Pepper had gotten quite a bit of essentials, such as; diapers, wipes, creams, lotions, soaps, medicines, rags, and towels. She also got quite a bit of clothes.

Natasha had gotten quite a bit of toys for the little boy, and she told Eleanor that Clint had helped her pick some out. Meaning he had picked most of them, and got a few that would remind the kid of him or Natasha. Wanda had bought a lot of clothes, toys, and a llama themed bedset. Sam had bought some clothes, some toys, some bedding, and a new toy box for all of the toys that had been gotten for the little boy. Rhodey had decided to wait to see what everyone else bought before he started getting gifts for the boy, meaning he had the easiest job at buying gifts. He bought a clothes hamper and filled it with pacifiers, bottles, teething toys, and a few outfits, as well as burp cloths, and a couple blankets.

"Thor heard about the baby shower from Tony," Pepper commented, sending a pointed look to Tony, since she had wanted to keep the baby shower practically under wraps from everyone that wasn't in the tower,"So he had a special diaper bag made for the baby, as well as a few good luck charms and such that he thought you would like." She said, causing the girl to smile.

"Last gift." Wanda announced, as she handed the gift to Eleanor.

The gift was in a small bag, and a small card was sticking out of the bag. She read the card first, which said 'Eleanor, I don't know if anyone has told you about me, but I am Nick Fury. I run everything, or so I believe, and I know you don't have any special abilities like some of the Avengers. With that being said, Romanoff will be training you once you've had your son. Congratulations. From, Director Fury.'

"He knows all and sees all." Tony commented, smirking slightly at the thought of Nick Fury being surprised by the new face in the Avengers tower.

Anyhow, in the bag was a onesie and a crib mobile. The onesie read,'Mini Avenger in Training,' and the mobile had a few different logos. One was the Captain America shield, one was the Iron Man mask, one was of a black widow, one was of a bow and arrow, one was of a falcon, one was of a lightning bolt, and one was a little patriotic to stand for War Machine. The mobile was a dark red to represent Wanda, and the entire design of the mobile had surprised the Avengers. Nick Fury had included everyone in the Avengers, which was very thoughtful and sweet. Eleanor honestly loved all of her gifts, and she had to practically hold back tears from all of the love she was feeling. She was finally accepted by people, and was being showed the love she deserved...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. This chapter has about 200 extra words than I normally would put in a chapter, but I needed to finish this one on a completed note. The next chapter will be a lot better, since I'm not completely happy with this one.

Love you guys


- Youngblood Xxx

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