Chapter Three

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Eleanor was quite nervous to meet the other Avengers, or rather, some of the other Avengers. Not all of them were living in the tower right now, some of them were gone and others were "retired." Steve had explained who he was and who the Avengers were during their walk to the tower, and in return all he asked for was Eleanor's name. Eleanor felt safe with Steve though, so she was hesitant when it came to telling him her name. Besides, he was an Avenger, and once she realized who the Avengers were, she knew there wasn't any reason for her not to trust them.

When Steve walked inside with Eleanor beside him, the other Avengers looked at him as if he was crazy. He had never brought a girl to the tower, especially such a young girl. Before anything could be said or get out of hand, Steve placed the food on the counter top in front of him.

"This is Eleanor. She's going to be staying with us," He announced,"Eleanor, meet Sam, Natasha, Wanda, Tony, and Rhodey. There's a few others for you to meet, but they're not around right now." Steve said, as Eleanor waved shyly at them.

"So, nobody's going to question why Steve brought home a teenager? Or why she's staying with us?" Tony asked, looking around at the other Avengers.

Eleanor felt a bit hurt by his words, but then she remembered Steve told her that Tony was a bit of an ass, especially when it came to what he said. She would definitely have to get use to the way he spoke, otherwise she'd have her feelings hurt often, or she'd end up punching the hell out of him for something he said.

"Eleanor, is it fine for me to tell them--" Steve began, but before he could finish, Eleanor had quickly nodded.

She knew she wouldn't be able to keep her pregnancy a secret much longer, especially from the Avengers. If she was going to be living with them, she was going to have to tell them about her baby and why she had shown up with Steve in the first place.

"Eleanor was a neglected teen, thrown out on the streets by her terrible parents. She's four months pregnant, sixteen, and needs to stay here so she doesn't end up like some of the cases we've seen on the news." Steve stated, deciding not to sugar coat anything, but also not to drag out the explanation either.

"Well, Wanda, will you show her to her room?" Tony asked, causing the woman to nod,"She probably needs a good rest and a shower." He commented, as Wanda smiled lightly at the girl.

Wanda lead Eleanor to a room and opened the door. Eleanor was in shock by what she seen. The room was quite large, with a big bed, and big windows, a walk in closet, and her own bathroom.

"I know you do not have any clothes, but I don't know if I have anything that will fit you. I am not trying to sound rude, but you are pregnant, so--" Wanda began, but before she could continue to ramble, a light knock was heard on the open bedroom door.

The two girls looked over to see Sam standing by the door. He handed the girl a pair of sweatpants and a tshirt.

"These should fit, and you can wear them to the store tomorrow. Tony is sending you and Wanda to get clothes and essentials for the baby." Sam stated, looking over to the teenager.

"Thank you, Sam, but I don't want Tony to spend money on me. I--" She began, before Sam cut her off.

"Tony isn't taking 'no' for an answer. He said if you don't buy enough now, he'll be sending Pepper out to buy you more." Sam said, and the girl simply nodded.

Once Sam was gone, Wanda explained that Pepper was Tony's girl. She also told the girl to make sure not to bring up Bruce Banner, or The Hulk, otherwise she may upset Natasha. Eleanor understood, of course, and she was going to respect everyone's wishes to make her life easier.

"Would you like to rest, or do you want me to wait in here for you as you shower?" Wanda asked, causing the girl to shake her head.

"I need sleep. I hope you don't mind." Eleanor answered, and Wanda nodded.

"I do not mind. I will tell the others not to bother you. We will come to you for dinner." Wanda said, making Eleanor smile.

As soon as Wanda left, Eleanor went to the bathroom and turned on the shower. Eleanor hadn't had a good shower in a long time. She really only had a shower every time she had the chance when she would go to a gym or a shelter that had one. She felt amazing as she washed her hair and body thoroughly. She was almost ecstatic when she seen razors so she could shave, and once she was clean and smooth, she stepped out of the shower and wrapped her hair in a towel.

She dried her body, then pulled on the clothes Sam had let her borrow. The shirt was nice, and really her style. She was a big fan of music, so seeing he had let her use a Tupac shirt made her smile. Once she was dressed, she took her hair down from the towel. She found a blow dryer and luckily was able to blow dry her hair in about a half an hour. Her hair was long and quite thick, so she needed to get a haircut as soon as possible.

After she was done, she went to her room and laid down on the big bed, sighing in relief at the feeling of the mattress below her. She felt all her stress leaving her body as she slowly drifted off to sleep. She couldn't believe she was finally in a safe place again, and she hoped for her and her baby's sake, that they would always be safe here...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. There probably won't be too many big time skips for the next couple of chapters, since I want to set up relationships(obviously not romantic).

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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