Chapter One

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Eleanor knew her life was over. She had went to a football game with a couple of friends, and they had talked her into going to the afterparty with them. At the afterparty, her friends gave her many different drinks, and she ended up wasted beyond belief. Apparently, while wasted, she had sex with one of the football players, and long story short, one month later she found out she was pregnant. As soon as she told her friends, they called her names and completely dropped her. So, she knew her parents weren't going to be any better.

Eleanor's parents weren't the nicest people. They often insulted Eleanor based on what she wore or how she looked. They made her do all of the house work, even if she was swamped in homework. They made her cook dinner every night, which wasn't too bad, since she actually liked cooking. Nonetheless, even with the slight problems from her parents, Eleanor still loved them, and hoped they loved her as well.

Walking into the kitchen, she seen her mom and dad sitting at the table. They looked like normal parents from this view. Her father was drinking coffee and reading the morning paper. Her mother was drinking coffee as well, as she was taking care of the only house plant they had that was sitting on the kitchen table.

"Mom, Dad, I need to talk to you." She announced, causing the parents to look up at her.

"I'm not giving you money." Her father said, but she quickly shook her head.

"It's not money, or anything like that." She replied, making her parents sigh.

"What is it?" Her mother asked, crossing her arms.

"I messed up, big time." Eleanor murmured, looking away from her parents.

"What did you do this time?" Her father asked, glaring at her over the paper.

"I-," She began, taking a deep breath to calm herself,"I'm pregnant." She said, which set off her parents.

"Are you crazy?! What were you thinking?!" Her mother yelled, as she grabbed Eleanor's arm.

"Are you keeping it?" Her father asked, standing from his seat at the table.

"I-I want to." She replied, and he nodded.

"Well, have a happy life finding your own place." Her father stated, crossing his arms.

"What?" She asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"You've confused her." Her mother murmured, causing her father to glare harder.

"Eleanor, you have been entirely ungrateful for everything your mother and I have given you. The fact that you had the nerve to go out and get pregnant is disgusting," Her father spat,"Get out of my house, and don't you ever come back. I don't want to see you or your bastard child ever again."

As soon as those words left his mouth, Eleanor was in tears. She quickly ran to her room and grabbed her small black bag. She shoved grabbed a couple of shirts, a pair of pants, socks, and underwear and shoved them into her bad. She also grabbed her toothbrush, hairbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, and body wash, as well as a couple of ponytails. Once she had what she could carry, she slipped on her shoes and grabbed a jacket, knowing she would need it eventually.

"We could give Jack all of her things for his little girl." She heard her mother say, as she walked out of the front door.

She couldn't believe her parents had been so terrible to her. It wasn't her intention to get pregnant. She almost felt like her friends, or the people she thought were her friends, had put her up to this. It was like they set her up to fail on purpose. She always knew there was something off about them, but she was too blind to see it before.

Eleanor remembered that she had shoved money in to her bag on countless occasions, but she knew it wasn't much. She really only ever had a couple of dollars, at rarely she had five or more. Taking the bag from her shoulder, she checked the pocket of her money and pulled it out. Taking a quick count, she see that she had about a hundred dollars. A hundred would definitely buy her food, but it would not pay for shelter or anything of that nature.

She was lucky that she had eaten earlier before talking to her parents, otherwise she would be starving. She didn't know what she was going to do, but one way or another, she was going to have to find herself a place to live, especially for her baby. She refused to let her baby grow up on the streets, and she refused for her baby to die because she wasn't able to properly care for it or herself.

Sighing quietly, Eleanor hid herself in an alleyway and sat down against one of the buildings. She had to stay alert to keep herself safe. If she wasn't careful, someone could come and hurt her or steal her things. She didn't have much, but she didn't want to lose what she had and end up with absolutely nothing. Losing everything would definitely be the worst thing to happen to her, since she wouldn't have her money anymore either.

She watched as people walked up and down the sidewalks. There were people going to work, people going for food, and parents walking with their children. Honestly, Eleanor wished her life was as easy as theirs, especially the children. She couldn't think of one time her parents ever took her on a walk in the city. Even when she had a doctor's appointment, which was very rare, they would try to get there and leave as fast as possible, almost as if they didn't want to be seen with the girl.

Eleanor could feel tears in her eyes, and she allowed them to fall freely. Looking around at the terrible surroundings, she knew this was her life now. Everything was falling apart, and there was absolutely nothing she could do about it...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. I will skip ahead to where she meets Steve in the next chapter, only because I don't want to make so many depressing chapters of her life on the streets.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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