Chapter Eight

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A couple months had passed, and everyone seemed to become use to having a baby in the tower. Wanda helped often with the baby, since she still needed a distraction from the death of her brother. Wanda had told Eleanor quite a bit about Pietro, and Eleanor wished she could've met the boy. Sam had helped a few times with James, but he usually freaked out if James spit up on him.

"Sam! It's just a dirty diaper! You're going to puke on my son!" Eleanor exclaimed, when she seen Sam trying to change James's diaper.

"He smells so bad." Sam complained, practically turning green from the smell of the diaper.

"You're going to hurt his feelings, Sam." Steve murmured, walking past the man.

"Let me do it. I've got it. You go to the store and pick up some more ice cream." Eleanor said, causing Sam to sigh in relief.

Sam practically ran out of the room, causing Eleanor and Steve to laugh. Tony had entered the room as soon as Sam walked out, and his eyebrows were furrowed.

"Why's he running away?" Tony asked, causing Eleanor to laugh.

"I made him go to the store," She replied, looking up at Tony,"If I didn't make him leave, he was going to throw up on Jamesie because of a dirty diaper." She added, as she smiled down at her son.

"I don't blame him. James has putrid diapers." Tony replied, causing the girl to roll her eyes.

"You're such a cry baby, Tony." She retorted, picking up James.

"No I'm not." He answered, shaking his head.

Eleanor began to fix a bottle, as Tony and Steve began to talk about something the girl wasn't paying any attention to. When the bottle was ready, she turned towards the guys with a mischievous smile on her face. Obviously she hid the smile well, but she knew what she was thinking.

"Who wants to feed him?" She asked, causing both guys to turn towards her.

"It's my turn." Tony said, acting as though it was a fact.

"He's my grandson, so it's my turn." Steve retorted, causing Tony to scoff.

"Exactly, he's your grandson, meaning you have all the time in the world to feed him. I'm just Uncle Tony, so I might not have another chance to feed him." He stated, and Steve rolled his eyes.

"You're here everyday, Tony. I--" Steve began, before he was cut off.

"Good thing it was my turn to feed him." Rhodey said, as he came into the room and grabbed the little boy and the bottle.

"You two just got owned by Rhodey." Eleanor commented, before leaving the room.

The two men scoffed, looking at Rhodey. The man simply smirked at them, before looking back down at the little boy in his arm. The boy was absolutely adorable and had all of the Avengers bending at his will, so often times they fought over who fed him or who got to hold him to put him down for a nap or who got to play with him when he was awake.

Recently things had been going well for the Avengers, so they didn't have to worry about leaving abruptly. They didn't want to leave Eleanor and James alone without one of them. Obviously all of the Avengers would leave at one time, so the mother and son would be left alone in the tower. Steve planned to send Eleanor and James to stay with Clint's family if they had to go and save the world again, but he hoped it would never come to something like that.

"I've got your ice cream!" Sam exclaimed, as he came back from the store.

"Please put it in the freezer," Eleanor replied, before turning to Tony,"and don't eat my ice cream again. I know it was you, because you left a sticky note that said you ate it." She said, making him chuckle.

"That was not me. I wouldn't have left a note, and I would've just bought more." He replied, but the girl simply shook her head at him.

"I was the one that ate it and framed Tony." Sam mumbled to Rhodey, causing both men to laugh.

Tony hadn't heard him, since he was too busy playing on his phone, but Steve smirked when he had heard what Sam had told Rhodey. Moments later, everyone heard a gasp and a gag. Looking over, Eleanor, Rhodey, Steve, and Tony began to laugh when they seen spit up on Sam's shirt.

"How did you get it on me?! I'm not even holding you! That was projectile!" Sam exclaimed, gagging again when he removed his shirt.

"You're his favorite, that's all he's saying, Sammy." Eleanor commented, smiling innocently at the man.

"I better be his favorite. That was disgusting." He retorted, and Eleanor chuckled.

Eleanor walked out of the room and entered Sam's room, grabbing another tshirt for the man to wear. She carried the shirt out to him, before grabbing his dirty shirt. She placed the shirt on top of the washing machine and began to spray cleaning solutions on the area to keep it from staining his shirt. Spit up seemed to stain everything, but Eleanor had learned the perfect combination of cleaning solutions to keep the spit up from staining everything.

Once she had sprayed the shirt, she placed it in the washer with a few of her shirts, and began to wash the clothes. She knew Friday would notify her when the clothes were done, so she walked back to the kitchen where everyone else was hanging out. Wanda and Vision were out, and Natasha was busy with something. Natasha didn't tell Eleanor about her missions and such, unless she had already finished the mission.

Wanda and Vision were closer than they had been before, but Eleanor wasn't sure if the two were actually in a relationship. She somewhat doubted it, based on the way the two acted around each other, but she could've been wrong. Honestly, she wished she could have a relationship, maybe one like she hoped Vision and Wanda would have, but she doubted she'd ever get that lucky. She was a teen mother, and nobody ever wanted to be with a teen mother...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. I don't know if I said it before, but I'll be changing Peter's age just a little bit, only by a couple years or so. I hope you guys don't mind.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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