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As they stepped outside, both their hearts raced with anxiety. The mansion was surrounded by a multitude of police cars, officers with guns drawn and ready for anything.

" Fuck, don't say anything Miranda,"

"Put your weapons down," the police barked.

Ben dropped his gun and put his hands up.

Miranda raised one hand in the air as the other support their baby.

"Turn around and get on the ground."

"Ben," Miranda whispered.

"Just do like they ask. When they get you to the station. Do not say anything. I know plenty of people at the police department and my lawyer will be contacted.

After they were arrested, they were escorted to the police station, Miranda's mind raced with worry for Ben and their future. She wanted to protest, to explain their side of the story, but she remembered Ben's warning. He had urged her not to talk to the police, to wait for their lawyer.

Inside the interrogation room, Ben kept a firm grip on Miranda's hand, silently reassuring her. The detectives began their questioning, pressing for information, but Ben remained steadfast in his resolve to protect them both.

"I have nothing to say without my lawyer present," Ben stated firmly, following his attorney's advice from years ago.

Miranda glanced at him, her heart pounding. She wanted to support him, but she also felt the weight of the questions bearing down on her. She kept quiet, heeding Ben's words, but the silence felt suffocating. This was all her fault. She should have just waited for him.

Finally, their lawyer Brandon arrived, a determined expression on his face. "Give me and my clients the room please,"

The detectives exchanged a glance, their frustration evident, but they respected the legal procedure.

Miranda and Ben explained everything to him not leaving out a detail.

"Okay I can work with that," Brandon commented writing things down.

"We need to get pictures of your assault, Miranda....The detectives are casing the scene now as we speak. I will make sure to get pictures of the nursery and everything proving your daughter was there."

Miranda nodded, "How long do you think we will be here? Harmony has to eat,"

"Okay. I will be right back."

Brandons lawyer negotiated their release, pending a court date on Tuesday. As they left the station, Miranda felt a little bit relieved.

"We are stopping by the hospital to get you looked at,"

"Okay," Miranda mumbled.

April checked Miranda out and Alex checked Harmony out. They had to get pictures taken of her bruises and medicine prescribed before her discharge.

Kyle then drove them home and Miranda laid on Ben's chest the whole way.

In the house Miranda went to the kitchen and pulled out her breast milk that she pumped this morning. She added cereal to it, making her a bottle.

"Here you go little one," Miranda chimed handing her the bottle. Ben kissed her head multiple times as she held her own bottle.

"You want me to order us something?" Miranda asked Ben softly.

"Yeah you can order what ever you like and get me something from what you choose."

"Okay I'll just get Chinese." Miranda voiced walking to grab her phone.

Vicious Cycle 2Where stories live. Discover now