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Miranda enjoyed just about every ounce of her pregnancy, but now she felt like she was ready to pop and ready to meet her child. She was waddling, her back, feet, and breast hurt consistently. Mostly, she was tired of using the bathroom every 10 minutes.

The maternity shoot and putting together the nursery was by far her favorite parts. She loved every picture and hung some up on the wall by the spiral stairs.

She knew that Ben had a lot going on, and he was doing his best to make sure they all remained safe. He seemed so stressed recently, and she knew it had to be a lot of things to deal with daily. Overseeing a million dollar cooperation. In charge of a whole Mafia and hundreds of men and trying to remain un touched.

Tonight was the night of the gala launching Miranda's line.

"You look so beautiful. I mean absolutely stunning." Ben admired.

"Thanks honey, can you zip me up,"

"What's the black thing wrapped around you?"

"It's a belly support band. This 9-month belly is something different. The band more evenly distributes the baby's weight over my abdomen and lower back. It alleviates pressure on lower body muscles, ligaments, joints, and back, lessening pain. I wish I would have bought it earlier than now,"

Ben nodded and zipped her up. He turned her around and looked down at her. "Kelly Green looks good on you... everything looks good on you."

"You are the sweetest, I'm glad I married you."

"Im glad you married me too,"

"I'm so excited for tonight," Miranda cheesed.

"I'm excited for you to see it. Your brand of alcohol tastes delicious, and I spent all this time planning this launch party. I want it to be just as good as when you planned mine."

"It will," she assured.

"Okay, come on, let's go," Ben stated, grabbing her hand. He led her to the elevator and outside to their car.

They arrived at the hotel, and the red carpet was laid out. Miranda loved how her name was presented and the picture of the liquor. Famous models were holding it in pictures.

Ben got out of the car and walked over to the other side to help Miranda out. He made sure her dress and everything was good before grabbing her hand.

"Ben and Miranda," a bunch of camera people shouted as the flashes went off excessively.

Miranda gave them her best smile and a wave as they walked over to the red carpet. She did a couple of poses, and Ben placed his hand on her stomach.

"Beautiful couple. Congratulations on your brand line. What can we expect from you two next?" A reported asked.

"As of right now. Our daughter and being parents is what's next." Ben answered genuinely, and Miranda nodded.

"Congratulations on your bundle of joy," another one said as they took more pictures.

Ben escorted Miranda inside, and Miranda's mouth dropped. She saw her name and the alcohol brand everywhere. There were professional photos of her from their engagement photos. Ben told her that she should take pictures separately, and it now all made sense as to why she had a separate shoot, and then they did a couples shoot.

"This is beautiful." Miranda paused, looking around. "You really, really out, did yourself." She praised pulling him down to her lips.

"Bailey!" Everyone cheered.

"Thank you all for coming. How does it taste?" she asked, gesturing to the drinks in their hand.

"It's delicious," Derek responded.

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