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"Tony and his crew are getting bolder." Ben said, rubbing his chin.

"They came on to my territory on my wedding day and would have ambushed my wedding. These young ones have no respect and just don't care."

"I think that's how we will defeat them it's because they are young." Frankie stated.

"Or that's how they will defeat us because we are older." Micheal added.

"Yeah, we are wiser. I've been in this game for a long time, and no one is going to knock me off my seat."

Before Frankie could respond, three gunshots popped off. There was a quiet moment as everyone processed what happened, and then panic set in.

Kyle and Ben looked at one another. They grabbed their guns from the holster before they leapted out of their seats. “Keep everyone calm!” Ben hollered to his men.

All of the warehouses and compounds were strapped with security. Kyle, Frankie, and Ben ran toward the exit, guns drawn, ready to take out whoever dared to come after them on his own territory.

“Shit,” Ben muttered as they made it to the front. James was in the doorway of the warehouse, clutching his upper chest.

“Are you alright?” Ben asked. Blood was flowing from between his fingers as he tried to keep pressure on the wound.

A bullet whizzed past him, and he cursed as he ducked down.

“There are two left,” he gasped out. “We managed to take one out, but there’s a second guy who’s a better shooter."

He got me before I could move. The other guy can’t shoot for shit. He’s not going to be a problem”

Fuck, Ben thought as he looked out into the night. Kyle was crouched next to a planter that was providing minimal coverage.

They looked at one another, and Ben knew they were thinking the same thing. No matter how good this guy was, he couldn’t shoot them both.

Ben stepped out as Kyle did, and caught the glint of a weapon in the distance. He fired quickly, grinning as he heard a grunt. Knowing he'd hit him.

A set of shots went off, and Ben smirked as he looked back at James. He was right. The second shooter couldn’t hit them from this far. He didn’t have the skill.

Kyle rushed forward. “I want him alive!” Ben yelled before turning his attention back to James.

“I’m fine,” he said, but he was looking pale. He was loosing too much blood. Several of the guards were rushing forward.

“Get him to the doctor,” Ben said, gesturing to James “Now!” They moved swiftly, getting him to his feet.

They had their own doctors that would handle this stuff.

Ben turned his focus to the task of getting information. Compartmentalizing things was always important to him, it helped him keep on moving.

“Well, well.”  Ben walked toward the alley. Kyle and Frankie had the lone gunmen wounded and pinned against a dumpster.

“What do we have here?” The man was breathing heavily, probably in pain from the gunshot wound in his leg. “Fuck you.”

Ben pressed the toe of his shoe against his bullet wound. The man screamed in pain, and he pressed harder. “I’ve got some questions.” he let up on the pressure slightly. He knew that pain could be a great motivator in things, but too much made it difficult for a person to focus.

He had been doing this long enough to know the balance that would get even the most tight-lipped individuals to talk. “I’m not a snitch,” he gasped.

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