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Miranda walked into the kitchen, and she saw Author working hard.

"Great, I'm glad you're here. I want you to be a taste tester," Author spoke.

"Okay, I'm down,"

Author began giving Miranda samples, and she was enjoying all of them.

"These are perfect. Everyone will love these dishes."

"Hey. What time is the dinner tonight."

"It's not just a dinner," Miranda rolled her eyes at Ben.

"Okay, the sip and see," Ben corrected.

"Thank you and 5pm."

"Okay, I'm going to the alcohol factory and the club, and I will be back." Ben informed her, kissing her on the head.

At the sip and see, Miranda looked around. She loved how the dining room was decorated. Everything was pink and gold, and there were stars hanging. She also had a banner that read twinkle twinkle little star, dear baby. Do you know how loved you are.

"Thank you all for coming, we put this gathering together because we wanted everyone to officially meet our daughter Harmony and welcome her." Miranda spoke at the table.

"She's so beautiful, Miranda. The pictures definitely didn't do her justice." Elena smiled.

"Congratulations, Bailey and Warren," Richard cheered.

It has now been 6 months since Miranda gave birth, and she moved from breastfeeding to pumping milk. She appreciated having her body back in this way.

Miranda sat on the bed and looked at Ben as he came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist.

She had her breast pump attached to her, and Harmony sat on the bed in between Miranda's legs, looking up at her as she babbled. She often made silly faces to get her daughter's joyful reaction. Her smile was gummy, and Miranda could see that her bottom front teeth were trying to make an appearance. "Hi, Mommy's baby," Miranda cooed excitedly as she reached out and tickled her stomach.

Harmony laughed loudly before sticking her hand into her mouth.

Ben grabbed his pajamas and walked back into the bathroom. He brushed his teeth and dressed before coming back out and sitting on the bed.

"Hi, daddy's pretty girl," Ben cooed, lifting her up above him as he laid back on the bed. Both Miranda and Ben watched as she smiled, laughing, her eyes lighting up as she stared down at him.

Her saliva dripped out of her mouth and onto Ben's face. Miranda chuckled and reached over and gave him a wipe.

"She's so perfect," Ben smiled.

"Isn't she, I just love her life," Miranda gushed.

After a long day at work, Miranda walked down to the daycare. She was ready to take a hot bath and curl up beside her husband and baby. Oftentimes, she was asleep before they were, and Ben had to handle their daughter on his own the rest of the night.

Hey, where is Harmony?" Miranda questioned, looking around.

"Your brother came and picked her up,"

"My brother, I don't have a brother. I was supposed to be getting her," Miranda raised an eyebrow, her heart picking up in pace.

"Okay, let me call my husband's brother." Miranda said, thinking.

She let it ring, and Curt soon answered.

"Hey, did you pick Harmony up,"


"Oh my god," Miranda gasped, looking around the room. She was trying not to panic.
"What did this guy look like?"

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