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As they arrived at the warehouse, Ben helped Miranda out of the car. He looked around both ways as he escorted her inside.

The guys brought Tony's man inside and set him down in a chair. Tying his feet and hands up.

"Get him up," Ben commanded.

Kyle took a bucket of water and threw it on him. Watching as the man jolted awake.

"That was some stunt you and your partner pulled. You should know it's one thing to fuck with me but to fuck with me and my wife it's a death wish." He said before punching the man in the face. Ben was honestly frustrated and he could use this dude as a punching bag.

They asked the guy many questions but he refused to answer any which lead to his own torture.

Miranda's contractions intensified, a sharp pang of pain caused her to falter momentarily. She clenched her teeth, refusing to let the discomfort overpower her.

Ben, however, noticed the subtle shift in her demeanor. His gaze softened with concern as he placed a hand on her back.

"You're not leaving out of here alive, so you might as well talk and make your death less painful...so if you are cooperative. I'll have my husband just shoot you into he head. No pain, no suffering."  Miranda tried this time.

"I'm not saying shit,"

"Okay shoot yourself," Miranda shrugged. "Take his fingers Frankie."

Frankie nodded and they listened to the noise of the mini chain saw being fired up.

After one finger was gone the man continued to screamed in pain. "Wrap it up so he doesn't bleed out and then do another," Miranda instructed.

"Wait wait okay okay," he relented coughing.

"Tony wants your territory. He basically wants to force you into giving it up. One operation at a time."

"How can we get to him? He's been off the grid. "

"He has a operation close by 23rd Avenue south. It's right near leschi and Lake Washington Blvd." He spoke.

Miranda took in what he said. "That area is literally known for stabbings, shootings, muggings and turf war." She commented and Ben nodded.

"How do we know you're not bullshiting us?" Ben asked.

"I have nothing to gain or loose."

Miranda groaned and grabbed Ben's arm. She didn't even want to show she was hurting but her labor was quickly progressing. Suddenly she felt a flush of liquid.

"You okay?" Ben questioned.

"Um, my water just broke," she informed sheepishly.

Ben looked down and rubbed his head. He lifted Miranda bridal style in to his arms.

"I can walk honey,"

"I got this, we are getting you over to Grey Sloan,"

Miranda laid her head in his neck.

"If you wanted to finish up here. That's fine."

"Are you crazy Miranda," Ben remarked. "Frankie you can take it from here and since he did give us that information. You can get rid of him execution style."

"Okay you got it boss,"

Ben drove them to the hospital quickly holding Miranda's hand. She gripped it tightly every time a contraction came.

"Okay, we are here,"

"Wait we didn't get any of her things," Miranda said.

"Okay, I'll have Tracy go into

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