𝟑. 𝐖𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐨𝐥𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐞

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In the mortal realm, the Spellman family prepared for the winter solstice celebration at the Spellman Mortuary. Sabrina had been grappling with her actions in Hell, seeking solace in her family's love and support. Zelda, Hilda, and Ambrose were eager to see their niece again, hoping that the winter solstice could bring healing and reconciliation.

Meanwhile, in Hell, Raphael and Nicolette found themselves equally eager to bridge the divide that had grown between them and Sabrina. The incident with the twins had been a harsh reminder of the complexities of their roles as rulers, but it had also strengthened their determination to be better parents and leaders.

As the winter solstice approached, the borders between the realms began to thin, allowing for a brief passage between Hell and the mortal world. The Morningstar family decided to seize this opportunity to visit the Spellmans and celebrate the winter solstice together.

On the night of the solstice, the Spellman Mortuary was adorned with twinkling lights, wreaths, and festive decorations. Sabrina's aunts and cousin were filled with excitement as they awaited the arrival of their family from Hell.

In a burst of fiery light, the Morningstar family appeared at the threshold of the Spellman home. Sabrina's heart skipped a beat as she saw her sister, Nicolette, and Raphael standing beside the mischievous twins, Belial and Circe. The family resemblance was undeniable, and tears welled up in Sabrina's eyes at the sight of them.

Nicolette smiled warmly at her sister, the love they once shared evident in her eyes. "Sabrina, we've missed you," she said, her voice filled with a mix of affection and regret.

Sabrina rushed forward, embracing Nicolette tightly. "I've missed you too," she whispered.

Raphael stepped forward, his stern exterior softened by the moment. "We've come to mend what has been broken," he said, his voice steady. "The winter solstice is a time of healing and renewal."

With those words, the two families came together, embracing each other with love and forgiveness. The tension that had once separated them melted away, replaced by a sense of unity and understanding.

Throughout the night, the Morningstar family immersed themselves in the Spellman's winter solstice traditions. They exchanged gifts, shared stories, and laughed together. Belial and Circe, now finding a sense of belonging in both realms, bonded with their newfound mortal family.

As the evening wore on, Sabrina felt a renewed connection with her sister and her family from Hell. The wounds of the past were not forgotten, but the solstice brought with it a sense of healing and hope for a brighter future.

When the time came for the Morningstar family to return to Hell, Sabrina felt a twinge of sadness. But this time, it was not a farewell filled with regret; it was a promise of reunion and a newfound appreciation for the intricacies of family and the balance between darkness and light.

As they bid each other goodbye, Nicolette and Raphael exchanged a knowing look. They had found a way to mend their family, not just with Sabrina but with the Spellmans as well. The ties that bound them now transcended the boundaries of their realms, and they knew that their love for one another would endure.

The winter solstice had brought the Morningstar and Spellman families together, forging a bond that would withstand the trials of time and the challenges of the cosmos. In the spirit of the solstice, they embraced the hope of a brighter future, united by the magic of family and the enduring strength of love.

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