𝟏. 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐦𝐚𝐧'𝐬 𝐋𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐜𝐲

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Dear sister,
We haven't had contact in quite some time which is purely on my end. The academy has been keeping me busy. Your dark baptism is upon us. You must be scared but do not fret young sister. Also, tell Aunt Zelda I have some of my cookies for her.
Your deviling sister,

Sabrina read the letter as she entered the Spellman kitchen and sat down next to Ambrose, letter in hand.

"And who must be sending you letters this early Sabrina? A secret admirer perhaps." Aunt Hilda voiced out as she noticed the scarlet red letter in hand.

"Nicolette actually, she was just checking on me and how I felt about my dark baptism."

At the mention of the name Aunt Zelda dropped her newspapers, and Aunt Hilda gasped. Nicolette was never the topic of discussion inside the Spellman Mortuary. Although she was Sabrina's older sister, Nicolette, and Sabrina never got close since Sabrina involved herself with the mortal world, and Nicolette surrounded herself with the coven and the witching world.

"You know, Nicolette was blessed by the dark lord himself so to speak. She's an extraordinary student at the Academy of unseen arts. No doubt she will leave you a good legacy at the academy." Aunt Zeldas bloated proudly about her niece.

This didn't help Sabrina's doubts about signing her name in the Book of the Beast. Actually caused her even more doubt.

Aunt Hilda hearing the conversion chimed in to change the subject.

"Morning, darling. How did you sleep?"

"Tempestuously, by the sound of it."

Now that you mentioned it, Aunt Zee, I did wake up once or twice. It's an exciting time... In more ways than one." Sabrina replied with doubtfulness in her voice as she looked down.

'It would be nice if Nicolette could join us this weekend. It would be nice if I could catch up with my cuz. Don't you think Sabrina?" Ambrose chimed in as he walked into the kitchen and sat himself up on the counter. He definitely eavesdropped on the conversation.

"It would Ambrose, and as a matter of fact, I was going to if thats alright with the aunties of course. "

"Of course, your aunt Zelds and I have barely gotten any letters from her. It would be lovely to have a Spellman reunion. Isn't that right Zelds?"

"I think that would be a splendid idea. Praise Satan she says yes." Aunt Zelds said in her usual monotone voice.


what if she wanted nothing to do with me? Would Aunt Zelda and Hilda wanna see me? Questions raged rampant in my mind. I hadn't even noticed myself zoning out until I heard my name being called across the long table.


At the sound of my name being called, i got shocked back into reality. The voice calling to me was prudence. The other three Dorcas, Agatha, And Nicholas looked at me unhinged.

"we've been calling your name for Satan knows how long." Agatha exclaimed. I didn't take any offense to the tone she used. I have gotten used to the sisters tones after knowing them for multiple years.

Nicholas saw I was tense and hung his muscular arms around my shoulders which calmed down my body.

"Sorry, I was thinking about something," I answered truthfully.

"What were you thinking of My Love?" Nic asked which tuned the two other sisters back into the ongoing conversation.

"I sent a letter to Sabrina. I know she's scared of signing her name in the Book of the Beast, Her actions ultimately affect me here at the Academy too. Im scared of the consequences if the mortal world got to her and she doesn't sign her name." I peeped out as if it was a secret I'd held, but it kinda was. I didn't tell anyone about my worry until now.

" Maybe it's best she stays at whatever mortal school she goes to now. I get that she is your sister but you are the true Spellman Legacy Nicolette. Father Blackwood adores you, even he'll admit that maybe one Spellman in the Academy is better than two," Prudence claimed as she took a bite of her steak.

"I know, but we all signed our name in the Book of the Beast. It's that mortal world giving her doubts. I told my aunts it would have a toll on her but they insisted they would keep her on track. I just pray to Mammon she picks our coven, her true family." At this point my cheeks became red and my leg bounced up and down.

"Calm down Nicolette, you're stressing yourself out." Dorcas finally chimed in after being silent during the whole conversation. Nicholas grabbed my legs to stop them from bouncing to no avail.

I calmed down and the whole table talked about different things. Sure I was very popular at the Academy but I would never replace these four. The sister took me under their wing when I first enrolled at the Academy and Nicholas have been childhood friends on my mother's side.

"Speak of the devil, I'm getting summoned by Sabrina. I'll see you guys in the dorm." I kissed Nicholas's cheek before I appeared a few feet away from Sabrina in the middle of the woods. Why was it always a damn forest, why not inside the actual Spellman house, for Satan's sake.

"And if it isn't my infamous young sister, Sabrina Spellman." When she finally realized I was there she ran to me and engulfed me in a big hug. "Now Sabrina, I don't want you to suffocate me to death."

"Sorry, I haven't seen you in so long. It's been forever since we last talked." Sabrina said as she released the hug and took a few steps back. She had changed since the last time i saw her, She looked like me, just less tall, and slim.

"So Brina, Why'd you summon me? Is someone bothering you? You know I'm a prodigy at blood curses." I truly was if I do say so myself. I was a prodigy in all my studies, especially necromancy. Sabrina just shook her head at my question.

"No, nothing like that. I've been having these reoccurring nightmares about my dark baptism. Dad shows up in them with my mom" I stared at her with confusion, everyone that has had their dark baptism gets them, they're tortured souls in hell trying to turn away the Dark Lord's potential followers.

Aunt Hilda and Zelda would always remind me that nothing bad would happen to me if I signed my name. I would be protected by the Dark Lord and truly I was. I believe he's blessed me with my intelligence and knowledge as well.

"Oh, Sabrina. There is nothing to worry about, I had the same nightmares, and look at me now. Thriving in the dark lord's graces. You'll finally be a true witch of our coven. like Aunt Zee, Aunt Hilds, and I!" I explained to try to lighten up the mood. I then got up and dusted my red skirt.

"I would love to stay and talk longer but I have an Academy party I need to get ready for." I started to recite a spell to bring me back to the academy until I heard Sabrina call out to me.

I hummed and turned on my heels to look at Sabrina. "The aunts wanted to invite you to dinner tonight. The house hasn't been the same since you left."

"Yeah of course I'll be there Brina. I wouldn't miss it for the world." And with that, I was back in my dorm with the three sisters The three sisters were getting ready. Agatha was braiding her hair at her vanity, Dorcas picking what dress to wear, and Prudence was doing her makeup with a spell.

"What did the little Spellman want Nics?" Prudence asked while flipping through one of her spellbooks, Probably looking for another spell.

"She invited me to dinner with my aunts. Which means Nicholas better appreciate all my glory because he doesn't get it for long."I said which make all of us laugh. I was grateful the Academy had dorms, I would not be able to spend even a week in the Spellman Manor

"We're gonna have one mad warlock, He already thinks you two don't see each other enough as it is," Dorcas said as she opened the closet door walking out in a dark blue dress.

"What does he mean, I see him every day." I claused in disbelief.

"Correction, you see him in your bed every day."Agatha snickered as I gasped.


The Devil's Advocate ~ CAOSOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora