Redhead Return

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Vi wasn't exactly what you'd call the perfect roommate. But that's alright, because she was definitely saving my ass with our plan.

"Here, I'll drop it off at his house today when I take you to work." Vi took the book from my hands and gave it a glance. "You really think he reads this?"

"He has to. It's the rules," I explained. "I read all of his trashy books and he reads mine."

Vi rolled her eyes. "Or so you think."

"He does."

"What guy willingly reads teen romance books?"

"Guys who make their friends read boring classics," I shot back. "Anyway, we'll find out if he reads them or not based on this one."

Since Sae and I weren't allowed to connect, I was making Vi do all the dirty work. She had offered to let me text him from her phone, but I knew he wouldn't respond. I bet he had hundreds of unknown people blowing up his phone. I'd bet anything he doesn't even read them.

So, we've resorted to book messages. Just Sae he had. I was taking a shift at the library and lucky me, my mother said she'd be coming by tonight, so having Sae go there to meet was out of the question.

Four more days until my grounding is over, I groaned. Aside from school and work, I was confined to the house. Still, having an extended sleepover with my best friend wasn't all too terrible.

"Ugh, I don't know what I'm supposed to do all day with you at school," Vi whined. "I'll come to your work with you tonight, but still."

"I truly don't know how you'll survive," I deadpanned.

Vi chucked a pillow at my head and I returned the favor.

"Go to work, hoe," she jeered, tossing one final pillow at me.

"You have to drive me, slut," I complained. "Go start your car."

The two of us looked out my bedroom window, only to see Vi's car lightly dusted with snow. We hadn't realized it, but winter had already started. December 12.

The car ride was filled with loud giggles, illegal speeding, and lots of Pitbull. I didn't look too closely at the library, and Vi sped off before I could notice.

The building was completely abandoned.

What is this? I wondered. It's not what the hell happened?

There were no cars in the parking lot. No lights on in the building. Nothing but me and the building and the snow.

I shivered. It was the first snow of the year, but still. It felt so cold.

Despite the emptiness, I still walked up to the front door of the library. I needed heat somewhere, even if I would be the only person inside.

There was a note taped to the door. "Closed for private event."

Well, shit. Guess I'm crashing their party.

I twisted my key into the lock and stepped in, embracing the warm gust of wind that flooded over me.

"Thank God..." I mumbled quietly. I heard voices down the hall. Several. And loud.

But there were no cars here? How on earth could the private event happen with no cars here?

I followed the hooting and hollering down the hall until I finally stumbled across everyone. They were in the designated comfort room, with beanbags and easily-moved furniture. Because the spectacle in front of me required lots of space. Twelve guys, all around my age, having the time of their lives playing, or waiting to play, Just Dance.

"What in the world...?" I mumbled, stifling a giggle. And suddenly, every pair of eyes in the room was on me. Well, except for those who were intensely playing.

"Uh...who are you?" one of them asked. He was an average height, with blue hair and chubby cheeks. He seemed friendly enough, but that couldn't be said for the rest of them.

"GET HER OUT!" a boy screeched. "THIS IS A PRIVATE EVENT!"

"Shut the fuck up, Raichi!"

"Your mom drove you here, dumbass! I don't wanna hear it!"

"Your mom drove you here too, bitch boy. We're not eighteen!"

Guess that explains the no cars... I figured.

The yelling boy crossed his arms over his chest and grumbled in protest. I suppose he wasn't too used to being shut down.

"My name's Y/n L/n," I said quietly, still in awe of the sight before me. "And you... look awfully familiar."

"We get that a lot," the blue-haired boy laughed, covering his mouth with his sleeve. "I'm Isagi Yoichi."

"Oh!" A spark lit up in my brain. "You're the guys from Blue Lock! I went to that game," I enthused.

"Hey, I remember you," a different guy spoke. He, again, was of average height and had brown and yellow hair. He had a wild look in his eyes, as though he might take off running at any second. "You're the girl that our princess brought."


"That would be me," a sullen voice called out. He was one of the boys playing Just Dance, and looked awfully familiar. Because he was familiar. Chigiri Hyoma. "And no, dipshit, I didn't bring her. She was cheering for the U-20 team."

A chorus of groans sprung from all the guys there.

"Get her out, GET HER OUT," the boy 'Raichi' demanded, miming smacking his head against the wall.

"You didn't even play, dumbfuck!" someone called.

"Nah, let her in," Isagi smiled. Chigiri copied his agreement as he scored a 'perfect' in the game.

I was quickly introduced to everyone there. Isagi, Bachira, Raichi, and Nagi were all collapsing in beanbag chairs. Karasu, Otoya, Chigiri, and Barou were all playing Just Dance, with Barou having a massive lead over everyone. Yukimiya was having a pleasant conversation with Reo, and Gagamaru was staring intensely at a book titled "Bears of the Wilderness".

There was one boy who caught my eye. In fact, I recognized him straight away. He was sitting in the corner, shielding himself away from everyone. He had dark hair and piercing blue eyes, ones you could notice from all the way across the room. He saw me staring, and gave me a glare sharp enough to cut steel.

Rin Itoshi.

Zephyr {Sae Itoshi x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now