Jazzy Toru

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Quick author's note!!

Hey everyone! I know that often we dislike attention on OC's in stories (like Vi) but I think my MC needed someone before she met the Blue Lock boys. Vi will come back, but just know the story advances way beyond her and she's here for character development. Sorry to those of you who dislike :(

Vi was mixed between Mexican and Japanese. The cultural difference always made things difficult for her parents, so when her mom passed, her father was adamant they moved back to Mexico.

Her father, much kinder than her mother, allowed me to drive them to the airport in order to say goodbye. But even saying farewell to him felt much too difficult.

Vi and my's goodbye was short and incredibly difficult. Many tears were spilled and hugs exchanged, but I finally watched her get on a plane to go back to Mexico.

It was absolutely heartbreaking.

My phone buzzed. I said I'd come in late to work today at the library, and apparently they were going crazy without me. Well, as crazy as you can get at a library.

My schedule was filled to the brim with work. I needed to make enough by Tuesday. I needed to. I wanted to prove to Sae that... Well, I'm not really sure what I needed to prove to him. I didn't even want him to know I was there. But still, I had my heart set on going.

Out of all the times I've talked to him, why haven't I asked for his number? I pouted. I haven't seen him in days; there's so much I want to talk to him about.

Well, not that he'll give much of a sympathetic response anyway.

When I finally arrived home, my mom enveloped me in a warm hug, expecting me to be teary eyed over Vi. Under normal circumstances I would be, but after working so hard and crying my eyes out at the airport, I just felt exhausted.

"Well, I know something that'll cheer you up," my mom clapped her hands together. "I just found this."

In her hands she held a tiny gold necklace with a small heart on it. "Halloween jewlery?" I asked.

"No," my mom rolled her eyes. "It's your baby necklace! It's what we first gave you when you were born."

I took the necklace in my hand and studied it. I never even knew this existed, but it looked quite expensive. Too expensive for my family. You could tell it was real gold, and there was a small inscription on the inside. However, I couldn't read it, for it was too small.

"I just thought you should have this as a keepsake. It'll bring back so many good memories!" she said. "The first time your father held you, he put this on you. You wore this all the time until you started school."

With that, she left the room, leaving me alone with the necklace. I don't remember this at all, I thought.

After that exchange, I got back to thinking. The Blue Lock game was on Tuesday, and today was Friday. Not a whole lot of time to make some money. Even if I worked myself to the bone, I wouldn't be able to afford that ticket. Shit. I was screwed.

Man, I wish Vi could go with me, I pouted. I was definitely going to cry about this to Dr. Chigiri next week, but now I had to wait an entire week to see her. It's only been one day and I was already in withdrawal.

I eyed the necklace in my hand, twirling it through my fingers. It was truly gorgeous—perhaps the only expensive thing I owned. I wasn't much of a jewlery person, but perhaps that's just because I never had it.

What if...?

I raced out the door. This was a plan that could work, right? I'd never done it before, but Vi had told me plenty of times that she went here. I typed the address into my phone: 25 minutes to walk.

Jazzy Toru's Pawn Shop

A bell rung as I opened the door. "Heyo!" a voice called from the back. The store was cluttered and had trash everywhere. There was a large counter in the back with only one employee—in fact, he was the only other person in the store.

"Hello, sir," I said politely. "I have something to sell."

"Let me take a look," the salesman said. He was big and buff, with a short beard that encompassed his small chin. Despite the beefy appearance, he had a friendly-looking face and a white smile. Not what I was expecting a man named Jazzy Toru to look like. He looked as though he should be on Pawn Stars. "Why, ain't this a beaut?"

I smiled. "It's very valuable. What are you willing to take for it?"

"Real gold," he mumbled to himself. "Inscription, several years old... Buccellati?"

He turned to me after several awkward seconds of inspecting. "I'll give you six hundred."

My eyes heart popped out of my head. 600 dollars? For some random necklace my mom just found? With the money I had saved up already, that was enough to buy the ticket!

In the back of my mind I heard a voice telling me to keep composure. This was a pawn shop after all, and if 600 dollars was his opening number, it was surely worth more.

"700," I said confidently.

"625," said the salesman. "You can't negotiate with me, little miss."

"680," I replied. "I'm not stupid, I know this necklace's worth."

I have absolutely no idea how much this necklace is worth, I thought. This could be a massive mistake.

The man laughed. "Fine. 650 is as high as I'll go. Take it or leave it."

"Sounds perfect."

And with a few simple words, I was off to buy a ticket to the Blue Lock game.

Zephyr {Sae Itoshi x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now