Hidden Messages

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Hey everyone! Just a quick author's note.

You've obviously read the last chapter by now, knowing that it's the letter by the MC's father. This next chapter is also with strong familial bonds. First, I'd like to request no trauma-dumping in my comments. Now, all my readers so far have been absolutely lovely, but I have seen a sad amount of people get upset when they read about happy families because it's 'not relatable'.

For that, I am deeply sorry. However, I truly believe in the importance of being close with family and appreciating them beyond measure. It doesn't matter if it's blood-related or not, but appreciating the people in your life is important. So next time you sit at the dinner table together, if that is a measure of intimacy, your family takes part in, please don't take it for granted.

The letter written in the previous chapter is a rip-off of something given to me in real life. My own dad wrote me a similar letter for the night of my prom, and I burst into tears because of how sweet it was. These things should not be uncommon, and you deserve each and every bit of love poured into those words. If you have a loving father, know that this is how he feels, and if you have an absent one, know that you deserve the love shown.

Love. Appreciate. Communicate.

These are my words of advice for the future.

Perfect. With that text, phase one of my plan was already in motion. Now we just have to see where this conversation with Mom ends me, or else my plan for freedom will totally be ruined.

After dinner, I helped clean up as usual before following my mom into the living room. My dad was supposed to be teaching Rusei how to do the dishes, because he sucks at it, but I knew he was creeping behind the doorway to try and eavesdrop. I guess all three of us were a little confused as to where this was going. I stuck my phone in my back pocket and sat down on the couch.

"You said you didn't want to speak to that reporter, correct?" my mother asked, nearly in a whisper.

I nodded. "I don't want that kind of attention put on our family. I already get weird amounts of attention at school, and honestly, I don't think we need anything else right now."

Communication. Good. I think that's exactly what she wanted to hear.

Dr. Chigiri was truly a psychological genius.

"I'm glad we're on the same page," my mother said, pursing her lips. "And besides, I told you I didn't want you seeing that boy anymore. I think he's corrupting you."

She thinks Sae is worse than Ito?

Well, I guess I didn't really share too much about Ito and my's relationship.

I laughed, but wasn't really sure why. Really, I wanted to blow up. But for some reason, I just couldn't. "He's a really good guy, Mom. And I don't want to fight with you over this. I really just want you to like him. Wouldn't that solve so many of our problems?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like," I started grasping for words, "if you liked Sae, then he could come over and all of us could spend time together. We could be whole, not split, which is what you were afraid of."

My mother's eyebrows furrowed. Taking a moment to consider her words, she finally spoke, "it's not impossible. I want you to be happy. I've always wanted that."

Zephyr {Sae Itoshi x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now