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Hey everyone! Just a warning: in this book, I talk about money a ton, but I don't want to convert USD into yen every time, so I'm just going to leave it as USD. Please don't chase after me in the comments! If anyone needs it, request and I can leave a yen to USD amount in the bottom of the chapter :)

I awoke to a blinding light.

Am I in heaven? I thought stupidly.

I pushed myself up on the pillow, but stopped due to an indescribable ache in my gut. What the hell happened last night? 

"Hey, you. You're finally awake," a husky voice called.

Nope, I've died and been transported to Skyrim.

In my small hospital room sat a sullen-faced boy in a cushioned chair. His ash-red hair contrasted bright blue eyes as he stared me down in the hospital bed. He didn't appear concerned over my current state, but more annoyed at the fact he had to wait so long for me to wake up.

"Um, who are you?" I asked awkwardly, suddenly self-concious of my situation.

"What do you remember about last night?" he asked, ignoring me. The boy appeared to be my age, but had an extremely mature aura around him. He was incredibly attractive, but that was the last thing on my mind at the moment. Well, close to last anyway.

"I was with my boyfriend for his birthday," I shakily recalled. "Then, he got mad? I can't remember too much after that." My brain felt foggy. What happened last night?

The boy sighed and folded his arms across his chest. "You were attacked by a man following you to your car. You blacked out in fear and I came to help."

"Oh." I suddenly noticed the clothing that was around me. My hands were freezing and exposed, but I was wrapped in a warm blanket and a sweatshirt that wasn't mine. "Thank you."

"Yeah, hypothermia isn't a good look for most people. Some, not most."

I cracked a small smile. "Hey, weird question. Has anyone else come in here to see me?"

The boy frowned. "You just mentioned your jackass boyfriend. He hasn't stopped by."

"Oh," my voice dropped. I didn't expect him to. After all, he couldn'tve known I was here. I checked my phone for any messages he left me, but my phone was empty. There were several missed calls from my parents—that wouldn't end up pretty. It's alright. I'm sure Ito would want to apologize in person. And so should I for that matter, I mean, I was probably out of line standing up to him like that.


"Well, I guess I'm done here," the boy said, getting up. But before he could exit, I stopped him.

"Wait. What's your name?" I questioned. "Here, I'll return this sweatshirt to you. I'm assuming it's yours."

"Don't worry about it," he said, not looking back at me. Without another word, my savior walked out the door without letting me give him a non-mumbly thank you. I sat in silence for a moment, trying to recall the events from last night, when suddenly, a horrible reminder popped into my head.

Ah, shit. Hospital bills.

That wasn't a fun thought. In Japan, it's required that each and every person has health insurance. The only problem was, my parents couldn't afford the insurance bill this month, so I was in a bit of trouble.

I opened my bank account on my phone. I got paid from my 1st job yesterday, but it was now holding steady at $6.77. Just enough to afford an overpriced coffee. Great. I would get paid from my second job next week, although it wouldn't be much. Japanese schools had varying rules for allowing students to work. Mine allowed me 28 hours a week, or 14 at each place of employment, which meant I wasn't exactly rolling in dough.

I worked at a local cafe as a barista as well as in the public library a few blocks from my house. I was a regular at both places, and when I told them of my family's financial situation, they were more than willing to hire me. I loved both places dearly, which is why I couldn't ask them for a raise or anything. They hired me out of kindness after all.

"Um, Miss?" an airy voice called, snapping me out of my thoughts. "You're free to go."

"Oh, yes," I responded. "Can I pay at reception or...?"

"That young man has taken care of the bill. You're all set."

That boy...I thought. I just spent the night in the hospital. That had to be crazy expensive.

Who the hell was that guy?

Zephyr {Sae Itoshi x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now