"Under the influence" Jonah x adam

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contains more nsfw, alcohol and swearing

-this one is a bit short but its something
Requested by @gchmdssh

Adam was sitting on the couch working on the website for the bythrone paranormal society as always, jonah had been out and always at his apartment while Adam was stuck sharing a house with his ex. Evelyin came back from work holding her phone to her ear "Adam, jonah wants you over." she said sounding a bit sad and frustrated like she always does, Adam sighed before getting up to see what Jonah needed of course its been a while since they talked because jonah was going through his own things, To be honest Adam felt empty not having jonah around to joke about stuff in his own dark situations.

  Even before hand, Adam was thinking of moving in with Jonah because he couldn't stand living with Evelyn for another year. Adam grabbed his keys and got in his car driving over  to Jonah's place, after a while of driving he reached Jonah's apartment. he shot him a quick text telling him that he was here. Jonah didn't reply which only made him more worried, Adan went to his door and knocked a couple times without hearing any replies to he just let himself in. 

Adam looked around the house as he stepped in "Jonah?? Dude are you ok?" he called out in a stern tone trying not to sound worried. Jonah came out of his room wobbling a bit "addam...youuuu...are actually here..!" he slurred a bit as he wobbled his way over to Adam and leaned on him. Adam flinched at the sudden affection and slowly leaned Jonah off of him and tried to keep him balanced at the same time "jonah dude are you drunk or something?!" he asked kinda regretting even coming over. "Dude if you asked me to come over to deal with your hangover im leaving"  he said sounding frustrated. "Even if that wasn't the reason why the hell haven't you told me when you were coming back to work?" he said getting even more upset.

Jonah was too drunk to process anything Adam was saying he just sighed and held onto him "Listen man...I called you over because...i really need your company...i just been..going through...so muchh.." he was hiccuping between his sentences and he looked on the urge to cry. Adam scoffed and helped him to the kitchen "whatever, lets get you some water first to help you sober up." After he gave Jonah water he helped him to his living room.

Jonah hung on Adams chest trying not to fall over, he drank some water and plopped down on the couch as Adam sat next to him "Want me to spend the night?.." Adam asked quietly looking over at him. A sly smile spread on Jonahs face "yeahh.." he slurred not listening to a word he said, Adam couldnt help but to feel bad for his vulnerable state and would comfort him if he was an affectionate person. Jonah hiccuped uncontrollably and leaned on adam "You know adam...I have been avoiding working with you...-" he then hiccuped mid sentence and continues drunk rambling  "Itsss...to protect youuu....f-fromm my feelins for you adamm.." adam wasnt listening at first until that caught his attention "W-what are you talking about?" he said sternly.

Jonah looked at him tearing up "Duude..I-I..just didnt wanna ruin shit between you and eve y'know?..." he said obviously still drunk as hell -- Adam sat up once more and leaned away from him "alright dude uh...I think thats enough alcohol for you..and uhh..I think its time for me to head home alright?...cya..we wil...talk tomorrow or at least when you are sober." he said trying not to show is fluster. Jonah hiccuped before grabbing his hand "you know adam...since youre here I need you to help me with a little somethin.." he slurred.

Adam already knew what he meant by help he watched too many pornos of stuff like this "Jonah..dude get your head together then we can talk. Go lay down." he demanded. Jonah smirked and hung on his shoulders "Can you stay until I sober up?..you are leaving just as fast as you came.." he pouted. Adam sighed and knew if he stay he would end up doing something as stupid as kissing Jonah, Adam wasnt stupid though, he knew Jonah loved him and usally when people are drunk they tend to just say things and forget but...Jonah wasnt just rambling he got his feelings for Adam out. So adam just chose to leave. 

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