These chains~Toonbriel and NB reader

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art creds: Novus Ordo (I think) on twitter

This contains: (horror, angst, fluff)

You close your eyes drifting off into a peaceful sleep, as your vision goes black and the fuzziness spreads throughout your body. You then see a flash of white light before your body fully submits to sleep.  You try to open your eyes but you still get that feeling that you're still sleep. You open your eyes faintly and observe your surroundings..

You aren't in your room anymore.

You look around still having that drowsy sleeping feeling but as if you were in a dream, or nightmare? You look around and it's pitch black you turn your head fully behind you and see a very old long church. You thought to yourself *In dreams you can't control what you do so I guess I'll stupidly go in the church* but you didn't. You were fully conscious and had control over your body, in a dream? You tried to just walk away from the church and just keep walking until you wake up. You began to walk away and think *What the hell? Why am I able to do this? Am I lucid dreaming?!* you let your mind run, it's like this dream took forever but you didn't stop walking.

You just kept going and then you stopped in your tracks with wide eyes, You see the same church even though you walked away from rub your eyes and it's still there. you take a deep long sigh and just say fuck it and walk towards the church. You start to feel an ominous yet comfy aura fill within a few meters from the church, you press your fingers against the big doors and look up at it taking a deep breath before pushing yourself in the church. You look around in awe by the sight of it. There were huge statues but there was one in the center where there was a huge Greek-like angel statue with wings. You walked up toward it and it was labeled "The goddess Gabriel" you scanned it looking it up and down. To be honest statues looked kinda creepy to you so you just turned away from it and walked behind the displays of statutes.

There was a regular size brown wooden door that looked pretty old and beaten up compared to the church. You then had the feeling you were being watched and he quickly looked behind you. Everything was fine it just looks like the Goddess Gabriel statue had moved its eyes. It's just a dream. you reminded yourself, you opened the brown door and there were chains on the floor and broken statue heads but the room was black. You look around the room and you notice a movement in the corner of the room. Your heart skips a million beats and you were gonna make a run for it but you heard a faint yet calming voice "H-hello! kurck..blagh.." the figure then began to spit blood as it spoke. This dream was too real you felt like throwing up "What the hell is this...oh my god.." you whisper as your breath was being ripped away from how in shock you were.

The figure limps up to you but he then stopped as the chains make a clanking sound as the figure walked to its extended area. You couldn't even move anymore you were too in shock, There was a light above the figure it was more like a ring of yellow light. "I'm angel gabriel..well..I was..jus call me Toonbriel.." he had a soothing male voice and a soft look, though, when the light came on you nearly tearing up in disgust at the scars on this man. He also had wings that looked to be stabbed a hundred times and a chain was punctured in the middle of both wings. You gagged at the smell of rotten blood and the deep scars, he also looks like he's been whipped a bunch of times. "My name is ____"

You shake "a-are you ok sir?" your breath trembles and he chuckles "I-I am ok! What's your name...?" he said keeping a smile on his face. He then struggled to get closer to you as his wings ripped more "AUGH..!" he cried out and you jumped as tears felt your eyes in terror. You got on your knees as he fell and you tried to see if he was ok. "Are you ok?! Do you need a doctor?!' you asked with a frantic expression and tone. You never seen so much blood in your life, toonbriel looked at you and held his chest from coughing to much blood "M-may I ask a favor of you?.." he asked while maintaining eye contact with you. You hesitate and clinched your fist in nervousness "What is it?" you ask holding his back kneeling down beside him. "Please...please..please...release me from these chains..they hurt..they hurt so much.." he began to start whimpering and begging at your feet.

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