Father son bonding~Gabriel and Toonbriel

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Creds to the artist: @weirdwock on Twitter

contains: (angst, fluff)

Gabriel wondered the heavenly principles as he felt his power grow, he smiled knowing that people were suffering because of him and then he stopped in his tracks..

I thought I chained him up.

He thought to himself as he saw Toonbriel interacting with someone, It was a old man. Ready to go to the next life. Gabriel walked near the situation as the clouds got darker and the booming heavenly aura grew..Toonbriel turned around and looked up slowly and the 12 ft figure approaching him.

Gabriel growled lowly, the old man fell to his knees in terror..was that..god? Gabriel narrowed his eyes and leaned down at Toonbriel knowing it would intimidate him. Toonbriel smiled and hugged him "Long time no see my lord!" he said with a warm embrace. Gabriel's eyes widened and he was taken back by the audacity..HOW DARE HE TREAT ME LIKE A LOWLY CREATURE.

Gabriel stood there for a long while and Toonbriel pulled back and went back to guiding the old man..but..the old man was trembling..as if he saw a ghost. Toonbriel scratched his head and looked back at Gabriel who looked Livid..

The old man looked up at Gabriel in a praying position as if his aura was enough to tear apart his heart. Toonbriel helped the man up and smiled "This is an old friend! He means no harm!" he said in his soft voice trying to reassure the man's safety. He then held the man over his shoulder and walked him in the gates where all his troubles and all his issues started fading, the man's soul felt pure and he was filled with an eternity of love. Toonbriel smiled then felt a cold hand gripping his shoulder. "Fool..You mindless fool..give me a reason not to kill you..right here..Right now." A familiar voice was booming behind him with the power to make anyone fall to their knees in terror.

Toonbriel turned around to see the distorted angry face he was expecting. "Well My Lord, Aren't you gonna get in trouble by the higher ups? Maybe we can spend the day bonding! I have been dreaming to see you again! Haha! You haven't changed a bit!" He said with the warmest smile anyone could ever get..how could a smile burn you like a warm sunset? Gabriel growled and scoffed. "Higher ups? Fool. I am the highest of all gods, angels, demons. I am the sun, moon, fear, doom. I am the most powerful being there is! and you dare threaten me with the Higher ups." he said as his face grew angrier and more distorted. Toonbriel tapped his chin and snapped "Ah!, You may not remember but In the bible it states"Let no one disqualify you, insisting on asceticism and worship of angels, going on in detail about visions, puffed up without reason by his sensuous mind" Colossians 2:18." he said bringing out his bible and reading it without remorse.

Gabriel stayed silent for a long while and chuckled "You really believe whats in that stupid book? Are you really going to let a few inked words control your opinions and decisions on life? My child, you are so blind." he said as the anger in him turned to pity. Toonbriel looked confused "Well, I was told all this and wrote it down..A-anywho, how have you been My Lord?" he said changing the subject so he wouldn't be confused.

Gabriel huffed "Why do you need to know about my well being?" he said with pure disgust but not hatred..for some reason..he didn't want to kill this angel boy..maybe it's because he tortured him in the past? Is it because he just got free from his chains.."How did you get free?" Gabriel asked softening his gaze.

Toonbriel looked up at him and smiled "Well, God came for me! he is my savior!" he said seeming really happy to talk about his Savior. Gabriel rolled his eyes "Mhm." he hummed clearly upset about what he said.

The silence cut between them and Toonbriel thought for a bit "Say, Gabriel. How about we go pick apple trees like we used to..maybe we can bond again..ever since you let power take over you..you..nevermind..what do you say? sound like a good idea?" he said holding his fist together keeping the warm aura. Gabriel cocked an eyebrow and wanted to get under his skin, he did a sinister smirk "Did that hurt? When I left you? When I tortured you? Locked you up for years and years?" he said crawling under his skin and reminding him of painful times. Toonbriel nodded and sighed "I'm trying to be positive..but..I really want to bond with you again! Because I love and trust you!" he said with a smile enough to restore faith in humanity.

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