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"Glenn's got our girl. I know it."


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Roaming back to the house, Alexandra wondered if the way Carl looked at her had changed. He looked at Alex and his father with admiration, but after what he just walked in on, it made her question if he'd be able to understand her actions were justified.

Still trying to wrap his head around it, Carl continued pestering them with incessant questions, wanting to know how Shane got bit. Rick felt the words get lodged in his throat. Observing the sheriff's hesitance, Alex decided she would be the one to explain it to him. She understood Rick was going through enough already.

She inhaled and exhaled. "Listen, Carl —" Cut off by the sound of growling, she furrowed her brows. Walkers strayed out of the shadows. Horror setting in, she grabbed onto Carl, leading him out of sight with Rick close behind.

As much as she wanted to run back to the house — to her daughter, there was no way she could get past the herd. Letting out shaky breaths, Carl looked at the adults for guidance as they hid behind trees, the tree bark rough against their skin.

"Carl, I need you to take a deep breath for me, okay? Do it with me." Alexandra whispered, getting down to his level by squatting. She inhaled deeply along with the young kid, wanting to keep him calm. "Good. You are going to stay close to me and your dad, understand? I need you to be brave, can you do that for me?"

Carl nodded. Rick couldn't help but feel thankful for Alexandra, watching as Carl's hysteria lessened. "Good. Follow your dad. I'll be right behind you." she instructed. With that, they bolted, narrowly making it to the empty barn.

Making the wood creak, the walkers banged against the barn, hunger being their only motivation. Quick on his feet, Rick latched onto a gallon of gasoline and a lighter in his pocket. There were too many walkers to kill. There was no way for them to get back to the house and alert the others. Setting a fire would lure the walkers away from the house.

And it worked, but chaos still reigned as the barn went up in flames.

Losing his mind, fear overwhelmed him like a powerful water current as he detected walkers — more than they could fight off — trudging their way through the fields. Without a doubt, the walkers were headed for the house. Like moths, they were attracted to the lights.

Scorching his heart, the need to see Alexandra alive and well went unfulfilled. She was strong and capable of handling the most strenuous situations. He kept repeating that to himself while praying she would arrive at the porch without a scratch on her. Playing the waiting game helped no one, so he focused on what he could do to help Alexandra. He started packing her and Katherine's things, monitoring the baby at the same time.

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