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"Alexandra and Glenn, sitting in a tree —"

SEASON TWO — CHAPTER EIGHT"Alexandra and Glenn, sitting in a tree —"

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Incapable of saying a word, Alexandra sat on the stairs on the front porch, staring at the barn. She watched as Andrea and some others covered the bodies with care, rethinking their actions. Losing Sophia was different.

Her eyes possessed no tears, but it chipped another piece of her soul. Glenn sat by her side, studying her movements. He wished there was something he could do to relieve her pain, but he knew that was next to impossible. Catching him off guard, she whispered, "She never got to live."


"Her father controlled her entire life. She had the chance to know what life was like without his presence ruining every good memory." Alex whispered, speaking from experience. She knew better than most that the past haunts you. "And then this happens. I wanted — I wanted to show her that life can be so much more, but I failed —"

Alex and the others had been chasing a ghost in the forest. Misleading hope kept her driven, but now it was gone. Glenn instantly shook his head. "No. You didn't fail." He could tell she was about to contradict his statement. He quickly added, "You showed her. You were the person who told her stories when she had trouble sleeping. She looked up to you. I promise you, it was you who showed her it was possible to find good in this world."

His words rendered her silent. Her heart was whipping so hard to the point it ached. All she could do was lean her head against his shoulder, inviting his touch. He pressed a kiss onto her forehead and kept her arms around her, unaware of how comforted she felt by his mere presence. Hugging her as tight as the sky held the moon in its rightful spot, Glenn made her feel like he obliterated all those who had touched her before.


Wanting to keep herself distracted from the fresh graves on the farm, Alex was helping Beth with the dishes. Almost looking like a robot, Beth had no emotion in her eyes. Putting away the dishes became automatic.

"Beth?" Alex asked, worried. The young teen didn't say a word. Confirming that there was something wrong, Beth began to collapse. The plate she was holding shattered, but Alex caught her before her head could collide with the floor and the bits of glass. "Beth!"

"Maggie!" she shouted, hoping the girl's sister would come running from wherever she was.

While waiting, she tried prompting a reaction out of Beth. All the concerned words she said did nothing. "Sweetheart, what's wrong? Can you hear me?" The blonde's features remained neutral, her eyes drilling a hole into the ceiling. "Fuck." Tired of waiting, Alex lifted Beth into her arms and placed her on her bed.

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