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FRAT PARTIES ARE MY WORST ENEMY. The party was crowded and gross and I wasn't having a great time. People were dancing and screaming the songs at the top of their lungs as I holed myself in the corner with a drink. It wasn't super delicious, but it was free and good enough for me to sip on.

Daisy had abandoned me about 15 minutes in, going off with her boyfriend to do God knows what. Apparently, she convinced him to tell his brothers that I was someone to lookout for, so being alone wasn't going to be too much of an issue.

But as I stood here alone, it was proving to very much be an issue. I started to feel a little tipsy, and when I started to drink I always thought about Cousins and Susannah and Conrad. Since I was seeing all of these people coupled up as well, I was really thinking about Conrad.

⋆。゚☁︎。⋆ ゚。⋆

Conrad and I had been talking a decent amount since he first called me back in September. Currently, I was doing laundry, listening to him ramble on about his life.

"So... my roommate, Trusky— we were talking, and it turns out," Conrad laughs, "he's a 5G conspiracist."

We kept discussing random things, like how campus life was and how much our professors sucked. I had just put my clothes in the dryer, so I ended up sitting on top of one of the other dryers as I talked to Conrad.

"Oh my gosh, so Daisy and I were talking to some of the upperclassmen in our english class, right? And apparently, there was this whole scandal a couple years ago where the professor was exposed for having a relationship with one of his students. He had a wife and everything," I scoff, "but the school just took him out of classes for the rest of the year and let him come back the next. It's really terrible how they let these old white men get away with so much."

Conrad is silent for a few moments. I'm about to ask is something was wrong, but he beats me to it. "Did you know my dad cheated?"

I'm taken back for a moment, but reply, "What? Adam cheated on Susannah?"

"Yeah. The first time my mom was sick, he had an affair... with his secretary Kayleigh." Conrad responded, and my heart sinks. "I found out about it last spring on, like, the same day I found out about my mom's cancer coming back."

"How'd you find out?" I whisper, careful with my wording.

"Um, I came home early from school one day and... heard them fighting." Conrad pauses for a moment, and my breath hitches. "She was crying so much, Stels. She— I've never heard her cry like that before." He laughs weakly, and I can tell he's holding back tears. "So I left. I went back out, I drove around town for two hours and came back and pretended not to know anything."

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