29: Cub

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My emotions grows the longer I watch Ren and Scar hugging and crying. The guilt I can't shake, no matter what. The guilt I'll never be able to shake. I don't take the egg. I don't want to. I don't want to do anything with that egg ever again.

'So.' I say instead. Ren and Scar both stand. I try to find a hint of warmth in either of their expressions. Nothing. 

'So what? What do you want? You're not part of the group, dude.' Growls back Ren, eyes red from crying. 

'I know. What are you going to do with me?'

'We kill you. A life for a life. You killed Martyn.' I step back... Doc's sword is dangerously close to him. Scar doesn't speak. He doesn't even look at me.

'I'm sorry.' Is all I can say.

'We kill you, and then me and Scar head off to Hermitia again with the egg and never think about you again.'

'Ren...' Scar mumbles. 'I don't want to kill him.'

'Scar, he killed Martyn! He just watched the fight and did NOTHING!'

'Then take me prisoner!' I hold out my hands. 'Take me prisoner and tell Pearl all of this was my fault.'


'Or you can kill me. I have no weapons! I'm unarmed. I won't fight you. If you want to kill me, do it.' I snap back. 'And when you go back to Hermitia, you'll be arrested for taking the egg, because why would they believe you now?'

'I- is that a threat?!'

'No. It's the truth. If you return you'll be taken prisoner or executed. Nothing will've changed from when you began except most of our party will be dead and you'll be taking Grian's place on the execution block. If you take me with you as a prisoner, you can tell Pearl I did it and I'll take all the blame for you.'

'What?' Ren's anger doesn't fade at my idea.

'I caused the egg to be taken. I deserve to be imprisoned, not you. You did nothing. You're innocent. Tell her it was me... I know you don't trust me. Just tie me up... stop me doing any harm. Check that I'm unarmed.' I fight the tears that threaten to fall. 'I'm sorry.'

'Why would we do what you want?'

'Because I'm guilty! You've done nothing! I killed Martyn! I- I killed him. I told Oli to take the egg. I'm the reason True was after us. Take me prisoner and you can live your life safely. It's all I can do to help you forgive me. I'm sorry.'

'Why shouldn't we just kill you? You didn't help us... you didn't fight for us. You let Doc die!'



One hand stopping Ren from hurting me, Scar speaks. 'Stop.'

'You- you're going to do what he wants dude?! It's a trick! He's just going to hurt us again!'

But he doesn't listen. I watch as the friend I did all this for crosses over to True, pulling off her jacket, cutting off the bottom. 

'Hands.' Is all he says as he approaches, not looking at me. I obey silently, unable to hide the tears running down my cheeks. Scar ties me up, telling me stand and checking I'm unarmed.

'Ren, gather everything else up.' The bard doesn't move, incredulous anger clear on his face. 'Come on, Ren. Or I leave you behind.'

'Fine.' I watch as everything's gathered together... even Jellie avoids me, meowing for Scar to cuddle her and give her food. It isn't long until we're heading off again, back to Hermitia.

It's a long walk back to our borrowed wagon alone, Ren and Scar deciding to sleep out the night on the edge of the mountain. It's all they say the whole journey. I understand Ren's frustration. 

I'd want me dead too.

In the wagon, back to Sanctuary. I'm tied up inside, Ren driving, none of us speaking on the way. Several times I want to. I can apologise. Try and get the two of them on better terms... I don't. In the end it's Sausage that breaks the silence.

'Oh my goodness... I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry... I didn't know True wanted to murder all of you...' The Sanctuary leader runs over, stopping as he sees our expressions, the fabric around my wrists. 'Wait, where's Doc? And Martyn?'

'Dead.' Ren reply hollowly. 'Cub killed Martyn. That's why he's tied up.'

I try to smile. Sausage's horrified expression grows with every word.

'What? Do you... want to stay the night? It's getting dark... You can have a meal on the house. It should be good... Eddie make it. Did you see Oli?'

'Oli took the egg. We found him. We got the egg back and he ran away.'

'Oh, ok! But will you stay?'

'One night. Then we take our stuff and go. We've got an egg to return to Queen Pearl.'

So I'm led into the tavern where True tried to murder me. It's clear the guests remember, or it's just because I'm tied up, since everyone looks as we enter. Our stuff is still upstairs... our rushed exit returns to mind. Back when I was pretending I knew nothing. Back when they were on my side. After not too long watching Ren and Scar clear their stuff while sat awkwardly on one of the beds, we go downstairs. I'm set free to eat under the watchful eye of everyone there. 

Night's fallen quickly, so we head upstairs to sleep. I try to ignore the dreams of Scar... his expression when he found me. His screams... morning comes too slow. We return to the dock with final goodbyes to Sausage and Hermes, back where Scott and Joey are, and sail back to Hermitia. We're nearly back to Pearl. But there's someone else we need to talk to first.


Scar fiddles with Jimmy's necklace as we arrive in Clocktower City's metalsmith again. The tiefling Tango turns, eyes narrowing.

'Ren? What happened? Why are you here?'

'Grian wanted you to have this.' Ren hands over the necklace. 

'What? Grian- where's Grian?'

'He's dead. And Doc's dead too. And Jimmy's dead. Grian felt guilty before and didn't tell you.' 

'What?! You- why would you just come in here and tell me that?!'

'I'm sorry. He was killed. By the same person who killed Doc.'

'Get out.' 

'Yeah. And... we have a sword. From a dragon. We stole it. Just...' Ren hands over the sword. 'I'm sorry. We didn't want them to die... tell Joel and Etho what happened too. And Bdubs.'


'I'm sorry! Scar, we're getting out!' Ren sprints into view. I'm forced into a run, along out of time and into the wagon. Another few hours of silence pass before we reach the forest. And then the town itself.

And then the castle where my fate awaits me.

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