19: Cub

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No no.

This isn't happening.


I'm on my feet as True sees us. Crosses the room. There isn't time. There isn't enough time to run.

'You lied to me.' She spits.

'What?' I play dumb. It's my only option. 'How?'

'YOU LIED!' She flips the table we were sitting at. Someone on the other side of the room screams, conversation stops. I back away. 'About the EGG!'

'I didn't! That was where I left it!' I need something defensive. I need protection. Doc's picked up a chair, trying to get a good position to throw it at True. He's not fast enough.


True shoves me back, into another table. I crash to the ground, in pain, trying to GET AWAY.




Doc misses his attempt to hit True with a chair. I crawl back, trying to hide beneath the table. True's faster, throwing it aside to get to me.

'I didn't do anything. I didn't do anything wrong. I did exactly what I said I did.' How far is it to the stairs or door? How many tables or other people are in the way?

'Get away from him!' Doc grabs True, but isn't strong enough to pull her back. I stumble to my feet, holding to the wall.

'True, please. Believe me.' She pushes me again, into the corner. I hit the ground again. There's no way out. There's no way out of this except persuasion. 'Please.' Doc's failing to pick up a table behind.

True snatches up a glass from a nearby table, throwing it at me. It smashes against the wall behind me, shrapnel hitting hard.

'Tell me where the egg is.'

'On the island. I sent it to the island. That's where I told him to go.'


Doc's picked up a chair. There's nowhere I can go, hoping he can knock True out with it.

'Simon.' is the first name in my head 'I- I gave it to my friend Simon and-' True kicks me in the face.  Doc hits her with the chair. She pauses, but doesn't fall.

'You're a liar. Where is the egg?"

'I don't know where Simon hid it.'

'SIMON ISN'T REAL!' I curl up tighter as another chair smashes next to me, holding back my bleeding nose. I think I broke a tooth or two.


'GET AWAY FROM HIM!' Doc's second hit is better, knocking True out. I think I see blood where it hit. I hope she wakes up in pain.

'Come on.' I accept Doc's hand up, hiding how much pain I'm in. 'We need to get out before she wakes up.'

I stumble after Doc towards the stairs. Everyone in the tavern has started whispering again.

'Oh my goodness what happened?!' Sausage appears in front of us. 'Who hurt you? What happened!'

'True Symmetry tried to kill him.' Doc growls back. 'Do you have any medical supplies?'

'Oh! Yes of course, of course. Just sit down somewhere and.'

'Just give them to us!'

'Of course of course!' He runs away to grab supplies. I yell back a barely comprehendible 'dank you!', nose still bleeding. Doc continues helping me upstairs. Ren appears, freezing.

'Oh my goodness... What happened dude?'

'We're going now. True's here. And she's not happy.' Doc explains. I collapse on the nearest bed, trying not to get too much blood on it...   Martyn's saying something about revenge and guitars and True's bum. Scott's just staring at us.

'Someone wake Scar.' I demand. 'Now.' Ren runs off to do it. Scar's in here not long later, hugging Jellie. He immediately sits next to me, asking what happened, I'm so sorry for leaving you alone down there. Sausage joins him, handing medical equipment to Doc. Scar takes the responsibility of being constantly worried about me and starts trying to deal with the injuries.

'How do you get out without being spotted?' Questions Scott.

'We jump from the window.' ? Martyn decides. 'All of us. I'll go first.'

Without hesitation, the bard defenestrates himself, tripping on the window frame and only replying with 'I'M FINE!' Then Doc, giving a confident nod and then getting stuck halfway through. It's an agonising few minutes until he's out. Ren vaults impressively out and then it's just me and Scar. I lead the way, prepared to just crawl out. I manage just as well as Ren, holding out a hand to help Scar. He trips, like Martyn, and falls into me. Both of us collapse on the ground. I pretend I'm fine as he starts apologising, but accept his hand up.

'Let's go.'

We run onto the streets in search of an empty wagon. It doesn't take long to cross around to find an (empty) one. Ren and Martyn know how to attach a horse onto it, me Scar and Doc jump in and soon we're off.

'Did anyone grab the map?' Ren realises too late.

'I got it.' Doc hands it over to Martyn, who's steering 'Cub, do you need anything else for your face?'

'No, no. It's fine. I'll be ok.' Scar clearly doesn't believe me, eyes wide, just staring at what True did. 'It's not as bad as it looks. I'll be fine after a long rest.'

'Are you sure? She was pretty violent.'

'I'm fine.' I insist. 'Seriously. Don't worry about me.'

'Cub...' Scar shifts closer. 'You don't look fine...'

'I'm fine.' He's the last person that deserves to be worried. 'It'll heal. It doesn't hurt.' It does. A lot. But they can't know that.

It isn't long since we're out the colourful town and into the forest beyond. No one's following. Martyn slows the cart to a sensible pace.

'What happened?'

'True arrived. Hermes gave us away.'

'The adorable child?!'

'He can't have realised what he was doing. True just... Went mad. Asking questions. Throwing tables. Trying to hurt me for answers. I had to lie to get out.'

'I had to throw a chair at her. Three times. I only knocked her out the 3rd time.

'We've just lost all our stuff.' Martyn realises. 'Absolutely everything.'

'We'll return there. Once we've got the egg, we'll go back.'

'At least we know where it is.' Points out Ren. 'We can follow the map Sausage gave us, find Oli... And then return home victorious... To the Disaster of Fugitives!'

'To the Disaster of Fugitives!'

Yes I did roll an online die to see how well they did at jumping out a window.

I need to do more actual dice rolls for casual things in this book

A Disaster of Fugitives - an MCYT D&D AU fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now