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Hunter's Moon Bar

Alyssa was seated at the bar counter, sipping her drink as she and Maia watched Simon and Clary's antics and displays of affection.

Alyssa scrunched up her face, then threw back her drink, drinking it all in one gulp.

"It'd be cute if it wasn't so... constant." Maia remarked.

"If you say so. I just know, that someone's bound to get heartbroken sooner or later and it's not gonna be Clary." Alyssa said, lifting her glass to the bartender to ask for a refill. Maia pulled a face as she poured more for the other she-wolf.

"Is there a reason why you're so against their relationship?"

"I'm not against it, Maia. I'm just being realistic. Clary is only trying to fill a void and Simon is still blinded by his obsession. But, hey, maybe you're right? Who am I to judge? I hardly know either of them, so I wouldn't know how they work together. Maybe I'm wrong and they'll make it."

Just then, Jace walked into the bar and walked over to the two of them.

"Ladies." He said, taking a seat on the stool next to Alyssa. "Hey babe." He said to Alyssa, kissing her cheek.

"Hey. What kept you? You were supposed to be here half an hour ago."

"Sorry, Imogen wanted to talk to me about something." He said, then ordered a glass of club soda from Maia.

"Of course." Alyssa muttered under her breath lowly so Jace wouldn't hear, but Maia did and she gave the other dark-skinned woman a look.

"So this rumor about you being Shadowhunter royalty, that true?" Maia asked placing his drink in front of him.

"I don't know, can you get me free drinks at the Hunter's Moon?"

"Let's not get crazy." Maia said, chuckling.

"Oh, it's true, alright. He's a bona fide Herondale and he's got the birthmark to prove it." Alyssa said, taking a sip of her drink.

"What are you talking about?" Maia asked, curious.

"All the males in the Herondale line have always had a star-shaped birthmark on their shoulders. According to legend, it's where Ithuriel touched Jace's ancestor, Will Herondale when he appeared to him in a dream."
There is another story though but that's rated PG-13 and not really something that you'd discuss in a bar full of stray ears. Then there is this other thing that is particular to all Herondales but I'm not gonna say because you, Maia, would use it against Jace as blackmail material."

"You're no fun." Maia said with a mock pout.

"And how do you know all of this?" Jace asked.

"I lived with Magnus for 12 years. You know the guy who's lived for centuries and knows more about Shadowhunter history than even Shadowhunters themselves. Does that answer your question? Not to mention, my dad is Lucian Graymark, a former Shadowhunter turned werewolf Alpha." Alyssa said, raising an eyebrow.

"Point taken. Anyway, I don't know who or what I am. I've had three different names in a summer. Now I'm a Herondale. All I know is that I'm the same Jace."

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