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Jade Wolf Restaurant - Inside

Luke stormed into the restaurant with Jace and Clary on his heels. Neither of them Alyssa following slowly behind and sitting down at one of the tables

"How could you not tell me that?" he angrily asked.

"The Downworld would be in total chaos if they knew what the Sword could do." Clary said.

"There would be uprisings everywhere." Jace added, backing Clary up. Luke turned to the two of them, anger evident in his expression.

"So you're saving the Downworld from themselves? We never asked."

"We didn't even know that Valentine could activate the sword until we realized he had an angel." Clary said. "Luke, I didn't want you to worry."

Alyssa watched them argue back and forth, a headache forming from the overwhelming emotions coursing through her. She closed her eyes and rubbed her temple, trying to process all the events of the night and the new information they had been given.

"There's no other explanation." She heard Clary say, bringing her mind back to the conversation. "When the demon touched the Sword, he and the Sword both disintegrated."

"Luke, it was a demon I'd never seen before." Jace put in.

"Then go find it. I'll head out and see if that bastard left any clues for us to track him down." Alyssa lifted her eyebrow at Luke when he said this.

"Why?" She asked, speaking for the first time since they returned and stopping Luke from leaving. They had all forgotten she was there since she hadn't spoken.

"Why what?" Luke asked.

"Why do you want to track him down? Are you hoping that finding him will help you find Cleophas?" Alyssa asked.

"Besides the fact that it will also help us get the Soul-Sword, yes. I want to track him down to find Cleo." Luke answered.

"Well first, you'd be wasting your time since the bastard, as you call him, is not stupid enough to leave something that could be used to track him. And second, again, why? Why do you want to find Cleophas?"

"How can you ask me something like that, Lyssa? She's my sister and your..."

"Was she still your sister when she and Amatis disowned you despite knowing it was Valentine's fault that you became a werewolf? If she is with Valentine now, why don't you leave her be?"

Luke and Clary looked at her in shock at her words. Jace was the only one who wasn't shocked since he understood where his wife was coming from in a way.

"Alyssa, how can you..." Clary began to say.

"I mean, isn't that what she wanted: to rejoin Valentine and his cause? She wanted to join him so badly that she killed Magdalena, her closest friend, when she tried to stop her. She's gotten what she wanted, so why don't you leave her be?"

"Alyssa, you can't be serious." Clary said.

"I can't believe you're saying this, Lyssa. She risked herself even though she knew how dangerous Valentine could be just so we could free the angel and you want us to abandon her." Luke said, unable to believe what Lyssa was saying.

"And so you think that her one act of good outweighs what she did? You're willing to forgive her after all she did just because she helped us this time? She killed Magdalena, Dad, her closest friend and confidant since she joined the Iron Sisters and she tried to capture Clary and take her to Valentine. Then again, why am I surprised? It's in your nature to forgive so easily."

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