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Magnus' Apartment – Balcony

Alec was standing on the balcony, leaning against the ledge with his hands on top of it, looking over the city. Magnus walked out and stood beside him.

"How many Downworlders do you think live in New York?" Alec asked.

"I don't know, but they're not all your responsibility." Magnus answered.

"But you are." As they stood talking, neither noticed nor heard Alyssa drop down from the roof and lean against the wall with a smirk on her lips.

"I can take care of myself." Magnus said.

"Maybe...but this is different. You may have lived through the fall of Rome but even the Dark Ages couldn't have been this dark." Alec said. Magnus went to say something but he was cut off by Alyssa who couldn't help but make a remark.

"You know, Alec, if you brood anymore, you're gonna start getting wrinkles early." Both men turned in surprise to see her smirking at them. She pushed off from the wall and walked towards them. "And I'm sure you wouldn't want your handsome face marred by wrinkles." Alec let out a mix between a scoff and a sigh of relief and went to hug her.

"Where the hell have you been? Jace said he hasn't seen you since the night of Max's party." Alec asked.

"I've been around."


"Chill, Alec. I've been fine. I just didn't feel like seeing Jace or going back to the apartment."

"So where have you been sleeping if you haven't been going back to the apartment?"

"I've been here," Alyssa replied, gesturing towards Magnus' apartment. Alec turned to look at the warlock, who lifted his hands in surrender.

"This is the first I've seen her since that night." Magnus said. "I haven't seen her here."

"That's because I have been using the secret passage in my room." Alyssa said.

"Secret passage?"

"Excuse me?" Alec and Magnus asked.

"Yeah. I've been using it ever since I was a teenager whenever I wanted to leave without Magnus or sometimes my dad knowing."

"How did you create a passageway in your room without my knowledge?" Magnus asked.

"Now why would I tell you that, Mags? A magician never reveals his secrets." Alyssa said with a smirk playing on her lips. Magnus let out a sigh of frustration.

"We're not done with this conversation." Magnus said, to which Alyssa just smiled innocently.

"Okay, now what's going on between you and Jace?" Alec asked. Alyssa's smile fell as her expression became blank.

"We had a fight, concerning where his priorities lie. But if you want more details, you should ask him as I am in no mood to get into that right now."

Just then the front door opened. A glance in that direction had Magnus rolling his eyes as he saw Jace and Clary enter. The three of them entered the apartment to meet the new arrivals.

"Don't you people have phones?" Magnus said, snarkily. Alyssa was the first to see Clary's hand, which looked charred and blackened..

"Magnus." Alyssa said, nodding towards Clary's hand. It was then that Jace and Clary noticed her presence. Magnus' expression turned serious when he saw Clary's hand.

"We need your help." Jace said.

Magnus led Clary to the couch and had her sit down, Jace sitting beside her while Alec and Alyssa stood, Alec pacing while Magnus used his magic to scan Clary's hand.

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