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The Institute - Training Room

Clary storms into the training room with Jocelyn and Simon on her heels, neither noticing that Alyssa was sitting in there already.

"Clary! Clary, stop!" Jocelyn said, drawing Alyssa's attention from her thoughts to them.

"What is wrong with you?" Clary asked frustrated, turning around to face her mother. "We almost had him back."

"You don't understand." Jocelyn said, shaking her head. Clary scoffed at this.

"You're right, I don't. I don't understand why you would want to kill Jace. You're lucky Alyssa wasn't there and doesn't know what you tried to do."

"I don't know what?" Alyssa said, finally drawing attention to herself. She stood up and walked over as Jocelyn and Clary turned to look at her.
Jocelyn looked almost scared and swallowed the lump in her throat. Alyssa, of course, knew what they were talking about but she wanted to see if they would tell her the truth. Clary turned to give Jocelyn a look.

"Do you want to tell her or should I?" Clary asked. Jocelyn's throat suddenly felt dry.

"Tell me what, Clary?" Alyssa asked in a dangerously calm voice.

"Alyssa, you have to understand. I..."

"Understand what, Jocelyn? Hmm? That you tried to kill Jace after tracking him down and the only reason why he's even alive is because that bastard that is your husband pulled him away before the arrow could kill him." All color drained from Jocelyn's face at Alyssa's tone. Clary on the other hand was surprised that Alyssa already knew.

"You know." Jocelyn said lowly, taking a step back.

"Did you think I wouldn't know or at least find out that you tried to kill my husband? I never thought a day would come when I would thank Valentine for anything."

"How did you know?" Clary asked curiously. Alyssa spared her a glance before glaring back at Jocelyn.

"I was speaking with Jace when he got distracted by Jocelyn's appearance and by accident, I discovered another ability that we have as a soul bound couple. I was able to see everything through his eyes. I saw everything and I want to know why you tried to kill him." Alyssa asked, directing her query to Jocelyn.

"There is still so much you don't know."

"And whose fault is that?" Clary yelled.

"You didn't answer my question, Jocelyn. Why did you try to kill Jace?" Jocelyn opened her mouth and tried to answer but couldn't say anything. "Can't answer? Ok, here's an easy one. Did you know that had you succeeded in killing Jace, I would have died too?" Jocelyn cast her eyes down at this then looked back at Alyssa with a guilty look, giving Alyssa her answer.
Clary also deduced the answer and looked at her mother in shock. Simon was also surprised.

"Mom..." Alyssa nodded and let out a bitter laugh then smiled bitterly.

"Why am I even surprised? You never do anything without thinking it through, without knowing all the consequences that come with your actions. You weren't just aiming to kill Jace, you were aiming to kill me. I wasn't collateral damage, I was the target."

"Alyssa..." Alyssa just scoffed and walked out of the training room.

"Mom, how could you?"

"Clary, your sister is not who you think she is." Clary looked at her in disbelief.

"Really? You know everyone say that Valentine is the monster, but you....you just tried to murder someone so your own daughter could die." Clary seethed. Simon came between the two at this point.

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