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The Institute – Hallway

Alyssa walked down the hallway with Izzy, heading for the ops center.

“So were you able to see Jace today?” Izzy asked.

“I wish but yet again I was denied entrance into the City of Bones to see him. But at least this time I know why I’m being prevented from seeing him. He asked for it.” Alyssa said.


"He requested that the Silent Brothers not allow me to see him. Apparently, I'm supposed to forget about him and move on with my life."

“He does realize that’s not possible, right? You guys are soul bonded.”

“If he doesn’t, he should have realized it by now.” Alyssa said, with a smirk which Izzy noticed, causing her to stop walking and to stop Alyssa too.

“Lyssa, I recognize that smirk. What did you do?”

“Nothing devious, if that’s what you’re thinking. Since he doesn’t want to see me, I sent him a message, through a certain pint-sized redhead sister of mine.”

“And if you ask me,” Clary said, walking up to them with a smirk identical to Alyssa’s. “I think the message was very well received. Although, Lyssa, you owe me one. My fingers and palm are still stinging from delivering your message.” Izzy’s eyes widened as she put two and two together and looked at Alyssa.

“You sent Clary to slap him.”

“No, I sent Clary to talk some sense into him and if he didn’t listen, to knock, or in this case, slap some sense into him. He seems to have forgotten I’m just as stubborn as he is, if not more.” Alyssa said with a shrug before the three of them broke into a chuckle.

They were about to resume walking to the ops center when they heard a voice calling for Alyssa and Clary. Recognizing the voice, Alyssa sighed and nodded to Izzy to go ahead, then she and Clary turned to face Jocelyn as she walked up to them.

“I’ve been looking all over for you two.” Jocelyn said. Alyssa raised an eyebrow and looked at her as if she’s said something absurd. “Clary, I heard you went to see Jace. Is he alright?”

“He’s locked up in the City of Bones. How do you think he’s doing?” Clary snapped. Alyssa gave her an impressed look. “Look, we’re late for this debriefing, so can we just…” Clary turned to go.

“Wait. There’s something I have to tell you both.” Clary turned back to her. “The Clave is reassigning me to Idris.” This piece of news shocked and confused Clary. She wasn’t expecting the possibility of being separated from her mother.

“What? Why?” Clary asked.

“I’m Valentine’s ex-wife. I hid the Cup for 17 years. They’re…testing my loyalty.” Jocelyn said.

“Either that or they’re just looking for excuses to get you to Idris and tie you down there.” Alyssa commented.

“But the Clave has to know that you’re not on Valentine’s side. Just tell them you’ll prove your loyalty here.”

“Clary, if it were that easy, the Lightwoods wouldn’t have lost their standing in this Institute and with the Clave. The Lightwoods used to be at the top of the chain before Valentine resurfaced.” Alyssa said.

“Your sister’s right. It’s not up to me. It’s either I go to Idris or I run.” Alyssa scoffed at this. “And…I’ve done enough running.”

“But I just got you back.” Clary said sadly.

“Sorry, not to ruin the sentimentality of this whole scene and all that but why am I here? Why are you telling me also? This is something that you’re supposed to be telling just Clary, not Clary and me.”

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