Separation Anxiety

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Recently, Spencer has been having a little bit of separation anxiety from Hotch and Rossi. They either had to be in the room, close contact or within eye line if not Spencer would get upset and cry for them both. Neither one of them could leave the room or his eye line, which made it difficult when either one of them needed the bathroom, had to go out or when one or the other would put Spencer to bed.

"Here, I got some clothes" Hotch says as he laid an outfit out on the back of the sofa.

"Thanks" Rossi takes the clothes and gets Spencer dressed for the day. He wore a pair of green and black striped leggings and a light green jumper with a white vest underneath.

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"All ready for the day" Rossi helps Spencer up

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"All ready for the day" Rossi helps Spencer up.

"Papa Pway" Spencer says.

"Hold on then, let me put your old clothes away" Rossi says as he gathered Spencer's dirty pyjamas and nappy.

"Nooo, pway" he whines.

"I will in a minute, just got to put these away" so instead of staying in the living room, Spencer followed.

"Dada tome" he started pulling on Hotch's arm.

"I thought you wanted to play with papa?"

"An' dada" he says.

"Right, come on then" they both go into the living room with Spencer, who pulls out his toys.

"What're we playing?" Aaron asks, but he had a feeling he already knew what they were going to play.

"Spidey" he cheers.

"Ok" they all play for a little bit until lunch time where Spencer had simply refused to sit in his highchair.

"No no no" he screams as he arched his back and kicked at the air.

"Buddy, you've got to sit in your chair" Dave tried to grab his legs but Spencer was kicking all over the place. Once they eventually got him in, he started calming down and Hotch gave him his drink.

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