Chapter 8 - Defending The Defenders

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We watched the students walk out in front of the crowd. They're eyes were shining from all of the stage lights pointed directly at them as Banana Hair hyped the crowd up. Me and the Speakerman watched from the doors, preparing to go outside.

While we were watching, a man with literal flames for hair walked through the gates. He looked at us with a intimidating glare while we watched the students gather as Midnight talked to them about some random festival stuff.

Eventually, fire guy left and we headed outside to look out for any portals or Skibidi Toilets. I wasn't very interested in watching children fight with superpowers anyway.

(Side note: Recovery Girl is a goofy excuse for letting the school get away with some messed up stuff. Kids legit get nuked by a blond guy and come back the next day. No more skipping school.)

We spent a lot of time just patrolling the vicinity of the festival, which was filled with stands and shops, selling various foods, trinkets, toys, and other brandable merchandise. We didn't have any money, but it was nice of them to try to get us to buy their stuff.

On top of the greedy sellers, pick pockets and stealing were pretty common. Whether it was a hooded guy trying to snatch some free snacks or a shady guy snatching wallets, crime ran rampant in the near vicinity of a hero school.

Me and the Speakerman ended up splitting up and spent most of our time catching pickpockets. No portals had appeared, making us feel uneasy.

In the past, times of peace had been routinely decimated by newer, stronger enemies. Peace was often short lived and only really served to allow enemies to catch us off guard.

Right as I was turning in a purse-poaching punk, I got a radio message from the Speakerman, affirming my fears.

"Many Skibidi. Left side. Come now."

I shoved the punk into the policeman and flew off towards the left side, soaring over tons of onlookers on my way to the fight. Unbeknownst to me at the time, many people at the festival had cameras. I would later find myself posted in all sorts of places across the internet. (Don't take that out of context)

As I approached the clearing I saw many toilets. There were also some new variants I did not recognize. There were normal sized Skibidis with gray toilets and rockets, as well as Spider Skibidis with guns.

The Speakerman was in large form, blocking shots from the Skibidis and crushing small ones, allowing for the civillians to flee.

I flew down and flushed a Spider Skibidi, pushing its toilet onto some smaller Skibidis. I shot one rocket at an upgraded Skibidi and used the other to boost at it, slamming it into two other ones before pulling the top off and flushing it. I fed the metal into my Rocket Pack to regenerate the other rocket and launched back into the fight.

(I'm calling it that now, and I know it doesn't make sense with the metal stuff but I believe it works that way so it must be, just like Sisyphus)

I punched a normal Skibidi and flushed it before stabbing the flush into an upgraded Skibidi's face, stunning it and letting me rip the cover off its flush. I barely dodged some gunshots from a Spider Skibidi, rocketing towards the side and throwing the cover at its legs with the rocket's momentum.

The cover made the Spider Skibidi's legs fold like paper, slamming its head into the ground and causing a small explosion. I rocket jumped (if fighting is sure to...)  up to dodge the upgraded Skibidi from before, before slamming down on its head, shoving it into the toilet and destroying it.

I turned to my right to see a upgraded Skibidi rushing straight towards me at mach speeds. It almost turned me into scrap before it was stopped by a tanned white haired lady. She flew in possibly faster than the upgraded Skibidi, slamming her leg into its head with a vicious axe kick,  destroying it with a small explosion.

A Spider Skibidi was preparing to fire at her before vine like wood wrapped around its gun and legs. The Skibidi snapped its head towards the perpetrator, who seemed to be a ninja made of wood, preparing to turn him into saw dust before the Speakerman hooked its flush and pulled it from a distance.

I shot both of my rockets at a small group of Skibidis, destroying them, and causing two Spider Skibidis to start approching me. I waved wildly at the heroes to help...

They were looking the other direction...

I narrowly dodged a Spider Skibidi's leg by turning my head, letting me see Speakerman struggling with a Skibidi Man. I ran away from the Spider Skibidis, letting them chase me, before getting to a safe enough distance to use my Upgrade Pack.

The Upgrade Pack also restored my rockets instantly. I hovered a few feet above the ground, allowing me to tower over the Spider Skibidis. Their hellish smiles turned into fearful frowns as they started to back away. I flew towards them as they tried to shoot me down, the bullets spread making them miss almost every shot. I used the first ones head as a boost to absolutely dunk the shit out of the second one, slamming down on it's head with the force of a meteor (maybe i will make move names for him?).

The Skibidi got absolutely demolished in a massive explosion, taking out not only the other Spider Skibidi, but most of the other Skibidi's as well. From there, the fight turned into a cleanup, with many shop owners asking us to clean up the mess of ceramic shards and toilets.

We spent the rest of the day cleaning up every last shard so some kid going barefoot doesn't get inconvenienced. During that time, we "talked" a lot with the two heroes. The white haired one asked us to call her by her real name, something about "We're working together!". Her name was Miruko. The other preferred for us to call him by his hero name; Kamui Woods.

In the evening, after we finished cleaning up, we parted ways with the heroes and returned to the school grounds, where we discussed with Nezu the events of the day. We talked about fighting the Skibidis, and return he relayed information about the festival. We finally returned to the dorm we had been provided, having spent the day with busy work, some much needed peace and calm was in order. We spent te rest of the night talking, standing around, and reading.


Sorry about the wait for this chapter! I haven't been feeling that motivated to write in it for a while (and I have been on some trips). Not promising anything, but I hope to write a little bit more. Though DaFuq!Boom is uploading like a machine these days though. Camerawoman new competitor for TV Woma-

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