Chapter One - Strange Man

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I heard distant voices chattering as I powered back on. Slowly, one by one, systems in my body began to power on. As I felt my vision systems reactivate, I looked around at the new location I was in. It seemed to be a sort of hospital room, the kind for treating civillians. I turned my head (camera?) to the source of the chatter from earlier.

"Oh, he's awake!"

What looked to be a civilian old lady announced to the other figures in the room. I righted myself to a sitting position to see the other people in the room.

There was a man who looked to be in his thirties. He looked like he hadn't slept in a while. There was also a large rodent looking animal wearing a suit. It had a scar over it's right eye. They both looked expectingly at me.


The room went to a random silence.

"Aren't you gonna ask where you are?" The tired guy asked.


I looked at him. I didn't had a speaker, so I couldn't communicate with him.

"I think he might be mute" suggested the old lady. She looked at me again. They seem to love looking at people.

"Are you mute?"

I nodded my head. It was technically true.

The shady man pulled out a notebook for me to use. I took it from his hands and wrote "Where am I?" onto the paper. (Written messages will be highlighted with *This* to save some time)

"You're at U.A academy. I am the principal,  Nezu!" The small animal spoke up.

'I must be at some sort of school's nurse's office.' I thought. The portal must have moved him away from the battle and he had been found by some civillians outside of a school too far away from a hospital.

"Who are you?"

I was confused. Names and identities were not very important while fighting the Skibidi Toilets. Cameramen were usually made snd directly sent out to either fight or research and build on other Cameramen. Naming them was seen as unnecessary  and a waste of time. These civillians were probably unaware of the war happening.

*I am a Cameraman. I do not have a name, and I do not need one. If it is possible, I request a transport to GM Big City.*
(not sure if the series takes place there, just run with it.)

I handed my note to the rodent before sliding out of the bed and standing up and dusting off my pants, causing the 3 strange people to back up. I didn't realize it, but my mechanical build towered over Nezu and the nurse, and I was a good chunk taller than the shady man.

Nezu took a second to read the note, then looked up towards my head.

"I'm sorry, I don't belive "GM Big City" is a real location." (Alexa sounding mf 💀)

I looked down at him. This strange little rodent man did not know about GM Big City? I stared at him, thinking. It seemed they weren't going to help.

*Thank you for helping me, but now I must go back to fighting the Skibidi Toilet invasion.*

Nezu took my note. He looked up to me, chuckling.

"An invasion of toilets you say? That's a funny joke, but really, what you really going back to?"

I had already expected this "man" to be uninformed about the invasion. He hadn't even known about GM Big City.

*It is in GM Big City. Since you do not know about that location, I will head there myself. Thank you for helping, but I must go now. Send whatever bills you need to this bank account.*

I handed Nezu my final note, along with a card containing information about payments, making a mental note to send a conformation to the head Cameramen for the charges. I started to walk to the exit when I was stopped by the tired man.

"Where are you going? We're not done here yet."

He seemed a little peeved that I was heading out that quickly. He didn't seem to understand that I had more important things to do than sit and chat with civillians.

"You still have a lot of things to elaborate. What the hell is a Cameraman?"

He was confused, I guess.

*We are beings created to stop the Skibidi Toilets. If these questions are not that important, I really need to be going now.*

I handed him my note, trying to end the conversation and leave. Things were getting worse in the invasion, and they need all of the help they could get. There wasn't any time to waste.

"Your still coming up with that "Skibidi" toilet invasion excuse. Have you watched too many alien invasion movies?"

I was really getting impatient now. This man was holding me up fron what could very possibly be the fight to save the world. 

*I must leave now. Thanks.*

I threw the note in his face and slid past him, dashing out of the room and running down a hall. There were many different doors lining the hall way, but a weird quirk (haha) that they all had was that they were all very big. Clearly this school had some money to spare.

"Stop right there."

I turned to see the shady man at the doorway. His scarf was flying towards me and his eyes were red. I evaded the scarf flying at my and grabbed it before giving it a strong pull in an attempt to rip it. The scarf was suprisingly resilient, but almost ripped entirely. The extra force pulled the shocked hobo onto the floor.

I turned away and continued running, ignoring the man's protests for me to stop. The man was catching up to me. By now I had concluded that the man with the weird scarf had no good intentions and I needed to get away from him. I turned a corner and grabbed the nearest door handle, dashing into the room and slamming the door behind me. I clicked the lock and turned around to see a classroom full of weird looking kids and a man who looked like he was on steroids 24/7. As soon as the door locked, they all turned towards me.

What had I just gotten myself into?

Comment any errors in my writing, it would help improve future chapters.

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