A clumsy crowded fight

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A/ N Italics are either Jay's memories or what is happening in the jail cell.


He's lost in thoughts of his mom and this asshole says something about her...he isn't sure what, he only heard 'mama' but the sneer says everything.

"What the fuck did you say asshole?"

The guy charges before Jay has a chance to get his arms up, landing a blow to his cheek that bounces his head off the concrete wall.

It doesn't faze him in the least. He gets to his feet and connects with an upper cut, then two blows to the guy's stomach and another to his jaw before the other two jump in and it's three against one.


It was a clumsy, crowded fight. Jay was still landing blows but not as many as they were. The group's anxiety heightened as they continue to watch. There was no doubt Jay would lose this fight. He was exhausted, hadn't eaten since God knows when and was an emotional wreck.

They'd all seen Jay fight and this wasn't close to what he could do. Everything he learned in the Rangers was out the window. He was fighting angry and it was to his detriment.

The other two assholes finally got a hold of Jay's arms and the bald asshole went to town on him. Fists find his face, ribs, stomach, kidney's...



Another blow to his stomach forces the air out of his lungs and his knees start to buckle.

"Uh uh asshole. We're not done with you yet."

Another barrage of hits land causing him to sag in their arms but not pass out. The adrenaline's doing nothing for the pain except making sure he's awake to feel it.

They adjust their arms and he hangs his head like he's loosing consciousness and it's what he needs for the three of them to let their guard down.


They all thought Jay was passing out and that would be the end of the fight, but he was playing possum.

He kicked the guy in front of him, the guy who started it all, in the balls and when he started to go down, Jay kicked him in the chest throwing him backwards.

The assholes holding him loosened their grip and Jay wrenched his right arm free, rounded on the guy to his left and dropped him with one punch.

Unfortunate timing had Jay turning back to the other guy just as he charged, sending them both to the floor in a heap. They were dazed but not out.

The reprieve was short - the guy who got his balls rung was up and back in the fight. Jay had almost got his feet under him, ready to go at the guy who tackled him, when he was yanked backwards landing on the bench, then tumbling to the floor.

Face covered in blood from his nose, split lip and the cut above his brow, Jay swayed as he got to his knees but was able to keep his balance.

He looked like he was about to pass out when the one who started the whole thing said something else to Jay. They didn't know what, the asshole's back was to them but the rage that burned in Jay's eyes was scary. Even the asshole took a step back.

Ten seconds ago Jay was ready to pass out but now rage was fueling him. He jumped at the guy from his knees, bring him down in an ungainly but hard tackle.


The guy says something about his mom again and he snaps. He has never felt such rage. He doesn't know how he got there but finds himself straddling the fucker that dared talk shit about his mom.

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