10 - Against All Odds

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Your thoughts were racing as you tried to come up with a plan. You knew you could never take the Sinister Six head on. The only way to beat them was to assess their weaknesses and outsmart them. The few advantages you had were the element of surprise and the fact that they were currently split up in different parts of the city.

Before Peter and Jessica left to contain the anomaly, you made sure to hug them tight. You had the worst feeling that you would never see them again, but you shut those thoughts down. You couldn't let anxiety take over; you needed to be focused and confident if you wanted to succeed. But that became nearly impossible as you were swinging to your destination. You caught sight of a mural with a shrine underneath, and it was dedicated to you. 

This time you couldn't stop the tears from flowing as you kneeled down in front of it. The mural showed you saving people and fighting villains, and you recognized every single scene. In the center of it, you were holding the city in your hands. It was beautiful; you just wished it didn't break your heart to witness it. You picked up a couple letters from the shrine. Thankfully they were protected under a little roof so the rain wouldn't affect them. They had the most loving messages, some adorned with drawings clearly made by children. And they all had one thing in common – they were mourning you.

It suddenly became incredibly difficult to breathe and for a second you felt like you were actually going to die. You didn't realize Miguel was behind you the whole time until he put a hand on your shoulder and kneeled down beside you. He used his free hand to tilt your chin towards him. "Hey, hey, breathe," he said as he tried to calm you down. "Focus on your breathing. You think you can do that for me?" 

He knew you would do anything for him. You nodded as you brought a shaky hand to your chest to steady yourself. "Th-they think I'm dead," you finally managed to let out.

"Yeah and it's terrible, I'm not gonna pretend it isn't," he cupped your face, tracing your cheekbone with his thumb. "But we have to go." He wished he could stay there and hold you, comfort you and whisper sweet things in your ear to drown out your darkest thoughts, but you didn't have the time.

You knew he was right so you tried your hardest to get up, but it was like an invisible force was holding you down. Miguel stood up to encourage you, offering his hands. You took a deep breath and held onto them as your shaky legs threatened to give out. Once you were up, he wrapped his arms around you in a tight embrace. His mask disappeared briefly so he could plant a kiss on your forehead. That was enough for some of your strength to return, so you continued on your path to the leader of the Six – Doc Ock. 

You found him on a bridge using his metallic arms to block traffic as he snatched a car, shaking the people inside. You caught the car with a web to stop the shaking and stabilize it, and that's when Doc Ock noticed you. "Look who rose from the dead to grace us with her presence! And you brought a friend, too!" He gestured to Miguel. "You shouldn't have," he added sarcastically.

Your spidey sense went off right before he released the car from his grasp. Jumping off from where you were perched on the side of the bridge, you managed to land right on time under the car. You grunted as you caught it with your hands, bringing it back down to the road. You opened the doors and hurriedly instructed the passengers to get off and run. Your eyes searched for Miguel and found him helping some people who were stuck inside a flipped car.

Doc Ock had used your momentary distraction to contact the rest of the Six, and Electro was the first to show up. You felt your hair rise up under your mask before hearing his voice behind you. "Finally," he grinned. "This was starting to get boring."

They didn't give you a chance to prepare as they launched into an attack. You tried to remember their every weakness as you fought back, using every advantage you could think of. You were glad you at least had Miguel on your side this time around. Since he didn't have a spidey sense to rely on, you took up the role, alerting him of imminent danger so they couldn't surprise him. Thankfully though, his reflexes were insanely fast, so you didn't have to warn him too often. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2023 ⏰

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