2 - Captive

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You were transferred to a holding area where you saw some familiar faces, and some not so familiar. You figured they were the anomalies Miguel was referring to. You removed your mask and felt your face. Your wounds were healing quickly but the pain remained. Once again you tried to break free from your cage, soon realizing it was pointless.

"Don't even bother," you heard someone confirm your suspicions. "You'd need a strong electrical charge to break through." You looked around to find the source of the voice and saw it belonged to a man in a purple and black suit. You may have been looking for longer than you realized because he added, "It's rude to stare."

"Oh sorry," you shifted your gaze. "I've just never seen someone like you before. I'm still getting used to the whole multiverse thing. Who are you by the way?"


"Caught that one myself," a new voice joined in, but this one came from outside a cage.

"I slipped," the Prowler quickly responded.

"Okay now who are you?" You asked the new guy. "And how long have you been standing there?"

"Not long, I just heard about a Spider-Woman being held captive and wanted to check it out for myself," he deactivated the device keeping you hostage and reached out a hand. "The name's Hobie. Hobie Brown. Or Spider-Punk if you're into that sort of thing."

You gladly accepted the gesture and shook his hand, "Thank you. I'm Y/N or Spider-Woman as you know already."

"Hey while you're at it, mind letting me go too?" The Prowler chimed in.

"Sorry mate, no can do," Hobie responded nonchalantly.

"But you freed her!"

"Yeah, I don't believe in consistency." You liked him already.


Meanwhile, Miguel was monitoring his screens when he noticed something out of the ordinary in the holding area. "What is that?"

Lyla suddenly popped up to block his view, "What's what?"

He tried swatting her away but she wouldn't budge, "Get out of the way!"

"Which way? This way?" She slid to the right but moved the screen along with her, keeping it hidden behind her back.

Miguel was losing his patience, "Lyla, te juro que si no-" (Lyla, I swear if you don't-)

"Okay okay, I'll move. But only if you say please," she teased.

"Please," Miguel mumbled under his breath.

She cupped her ear to pretend to hear better, "What was that? I can't hear you."


"Was that so hard?" She finally let him see you and Hobie walking out of the holding area.

"I can't leave him unsupervised for one second!"


Hobie placed an arm around your shoulder and led you to a hallway. Your eyes widened at the sight of so many spider people. He must have noticed your expression because he let out a laugh and said, "Welcome to the Spider Society."

"Wow, this is incredible! I thought I was the only one."

"That's what we all thought. Don't let it get to your head or you could end up like him," he nodded his head towards a blonde Spider-Man sulking against a wall.

"Got it." 

Out of nowhere, you felt the weirdest sensation and pain shot through your entire body. You were glitching. "Oh right, here you go. It's a day pass. It will stop that from happening," Hobie handed you a wristband and you put it on without a second thought. You never wanted to experience that again.

"Thank you, and I'm not asking this because I don't appreciate the help or anything, but why are you being so nice to me?"

"Anyone who does something to piss off Miguel is a friend of mine," he put his hands in his jacket pockets. "Which reminds me, what did you do to get captured?"

It was still hard to think about it, but he was helping you, so you felt he earned an explanation, "I um, I tried to save my aunt."

"Ah tried to disrupt a canon event, did you? That explains it. Spider-Pout gets real mad at that." Speaking of Miguel getting mad, a portal opened in front of you and out he walked with an expression that sent shivers down your spine. This was the first time you were seeing him without his mask and you may have spent a little too long noticing how his hair perfectly framed his face, and a bit longer lingering on his lips. Thankfully he didn't take notice as he slowly approached Hobie.

He knew what was coming as he held up his hands, but not even an angry Miguel could erase the smugness on his face. "Why do you insist on making my life difficult?" Miguel asked.

"I mean, he is called Spider-Punk for a reason," you butted in, quickly regretting all your life choices.

"Was I talking to you?"

Spider-Woman was thankfully nearby and made her way over to break the tension, "What's going on here?"

Miguel sighed, grabbing his face, "Hobie, care to explain?"

"Sure, but not because you told me to," Miguel rolled his eyes. "I heard a fellow comrade was being held here against her will, so naturally I let her go."

Miguel grabbed the bridge of his nose, "No no no, no puedo más, no puedo más." (I cannot anymore)

"Miguel O'Hara, you left her with the anomalies? That is not what I had in mind when I said we should bring her here!"

"What else was I supposed to do? And do I need to remind all of you that I'm the one in charge here?"

She scoffed and turned to you, "Sorry about him, and I'm really sorry about earlier." You weren't sure whether to forgive her, but you respected her for at least apologizing. "I'm Jessica Drew by the way, I don't think we ever got properly introduced. Let me show you around."

"Did you not hear what I just said? Am I speaking to a wall?" Miguel continued.

Hobie patted Miguel's back and followed you and Jessica, leaving him behind.


A/N: If anyone's reading this I hope you like the story so far! I'm Hispanic and it's so fun to be able to write in Spanish lol Also I saw another fic who provided translations like this and I thought it was a good idea, so thank you to that person.

Last thing, I think it's worth mentioning that I only got to see the movie once 😭 so I'm basing things off of my poor memory and clips on YouTube. Feel free to correct me if you see anything out of place!

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