5 - Stuck With You

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After eating dinner in the cafeteria, you returned to your apartment, where a box was waiting outside by the door. You picked it up and peeked inside, finding the new suit Miguel promised you. That was fast, you thought to yourself in surprise, and you made yet another mental note to thank him in the morning. But first, your well-deserved rest.

It didn't last as long as you hoped for. Your alarm clock sounded off and you reluctantly woke up, lazily getting out of bed. You got ready to see Miguel, and for some reason you couldn't pinpoint, you spent longer than usual looking in the mirror, making sure you looked your best.

Unfortunately, it seemed like it was all for nothing. You couldn't find Miguel at his usual secluded spot. Having learned a lesson from last time, you swung up to his platform, but he wasn't there either.

"Um, Lyla?" You asked the air, not knowing which direction to talk to, hoping somehow she would hear you.

Luckily, she did, "Yes? What do you need, Y/N?"

You almost jumped when she appeared in front of you, "Uh hi, I was just looking for Miguel. Do you know where he is?"

A wide grin spread across her face, but you didn't know why, "As a matter of fact I do! He's in Mumbattan, on Earth 50101."

"Oh, well do you know when he'll be back?"

"Most likely not soon, but he's not too busy. You could meet him there yourself," she suggested, opening a portal for you before you could even register her words.

Once you did, you asked, "Is that allowed?"

"I don't see why not!" You eyed her suspiciously, but her confident smile never wavered. You shrugged and crossed the path between dimensions.


You found Miguel hanging onto a Vulture's talons, flying precariously through the air. He was joined by a Spider-Man you didn't recognize, who was trying to contain the Vulture by using his webs like a lasso around its neck.

Not too busy, huh? You thought back to Lyla's lie.

You tried to catch up with them, but they were going too fast. You shouted, "Miguel!" in hopes that your voice would reach him. 

It took a few tries until you heard him shout back, "Y/N? What are you doing here?!" The Vulture used the distraction to launch him upwards, and you felt the air escape your lungs before he shot a web to latch onto a building. This gave you a chance to land next to him. 

You almost forgot how intimidating he looked with his mask on, "Lyla said you weren't busy." You didn't like ratting her out, but she was the hologram, not you. If Miguel was going to slap anyone, you preferred it to be her.

Luckily he didn't slap you, but the alternative wasn't much better. Your spider sense didn't give you enough warning. The Vulture snatched you from the wall and flew down to the street to slam you against it. The air left your lungs and your ears started ringing, but you still managed to hear Miguel shouting your name.

He jumped from the wall and swung his arms around the Vulture's neck with enough force to make him to let you go. As soon as you regained your breath, you followed them up through the city, seeing the new Spider-Man taking people to safety in your peripheral vision.

When you eventually caught up with them, you joined Miguel in his efforts to stop the Vulture. After some time, you and Miguel found a rhythm, and it was like you were dancing in the air, following an improvised choreography.

It wasn't much longer before you had the advantage. You held onto the Vulture's wings while standing on his back, forcing him to descend rapidly. You finally landed on the ground, and as he struggled against your grip, Miguel grabbed his neck. His mask disappeared and he opened his mouth to reveal sharp fangs.

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