1 - Canon Event

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PLEASE READ: I haven't written fanfiction in a long time so I'm a little rusty. I'm still gonna try my best to make this coherent though. This isn't going to follow the plot of the movie exactly, but I might join the storylines at some point. I'm open to any ideas you may have so send them my way! Okay, that's all, hope you enjoy!


"Are you ready to go, Y/N?" You heard your aunt shout from the living room.

"Yes May, I'll be right there!" You finished putting on your mask and adjusting your suit and headed for the front door, where your aunt was waiting. "Are you sure I have to do this? What if something happens? Does Spider-Woman really have to be there?" You were attending a charity event tonight and it was the last place you wanted to be. You were happy to show support for the cause of course, but you thought fighting crime would be a better use of your time.

"Yes, honey. You know people love meeting you. And if something happens, you'll just politely excuse yourself and go save the day... night, in this case."

"You always know just what to say, don't you May?" You gave her a warm smile, and hoped it came across through your mask.

"Well, with enough practice you get good at it," she chuckled. "Now come on, we're gonna be late."

"Why don't we just swing there? We'll arrive much faster," you suggested.

"Oh no no no, I am not doing that again! I'm not as young as I used to be, and one time was enough," she grimaced at the memory of swinging through New York at top speeds. Just thinking about it gave her motion sickness.

"Okay okay, fine. We'll take the subway," you held up your hands in surrender and laughed. "But if we're late it won't be my fault."


You finally arrived at the charity event, and you barely got to see anything before camera flashes blinded you. You heard shouting telling you to look one way or another, but you ignored them and sped walk to the entrance as fast as possible.

Once inside the building, you were able to appreciate your surroundings. The guests were all dressed in their best clothes, and it made you feel a little out of place in your skin-tight suit. But your thoughts were swept away when the mayor grabbed your shoulders to greet you. "Spider-Woman! So nice to see you, I'm glad you could make it!" She said with a huge smile and it made you feel at ease.

"Of course, I couldn't say no to a good cause... and free food," you added, which earned a laugh from the mayor.

"Yes, please help yourselves," she gestured toward the long line of buffet tables. "In the mean time I'll go make sure everything's set up for your speech." She gave a nod to you and your aunt and headed to the stage.

Right, your speech, for a moment you had forgotten all about it. Aunt May noticed you tense up and decided to distract you, "Look they have your favorite, why don't we go grab a plate?" You nodded, following her lead.

The food was surprisingly good and it helped you relax for a little while, but you couldn't avoid the speech forever. The mayor walked up to your table and let you know that you had 10 minutes to prepare and those 10 minutes flew by. Soon enough, you were standing on the stage, with about 100 eyes staring at you. If only there was something to prevent it, you wished silently, but as the saying goes - be careful what you wish for.

Your spider sense suddenly alerted you of danger. You knew you were nervous, but you didn't think public speaking would qualify as such. Your doubts were resolved when someone came crashing through the glass ceiling. They were wearing a green suit and flying on a glider. It had to be Green Goblin, but they looked nothing like the one you were used to fighting. This one had a high tech suit and their glider was way more advanced. For a second, you thought you saw it glitch.

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