4 - New Suit, New Mission

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You found your way to your new apartment in the Spider Society and as you opened the door you were met with a bed, a dresser, a desk with a chair, and a door which led to a bathroom. It was much smaller than the apartment you were living in with Aunt May, but you didn't mind. You weren't expecting to spend much time in there. 

You tried out the bed and was surprised at how comfortable it was. Shifting to your side, you spotted something on top of the dresser. You made your way over to see what it was, finding a spider suit in its place. It was identical to the one you were wearing, minus the holes and plus some stylistic changes which you actually liked. It was definitely an upgrade from your hand-made suit. You held it up against your body and it seemed like it would fit you perfectly.

You figured it must have been Spider-Woman who left it. After all, she seemed the most interested in making amends.  So when you found her talking with Peter, you made sure to thank her.

"Hey Jessica, thanks for the new suit," you said. "I would have fixed it myself, but this is much better."

She looked at you with a confused expression, "That wasn't me, honey."

Peter chimed in, "I wish I could take the credit but we all know I would have left it worse than how I found it." You laughed in agreement, eyeing Mayday's unruly hair, mismatched outfit, and missing sock.

"Okay then, who was it?" You asked the pair.

"My guess is Miguel," Jessica replied. "You should mention it when you get the chance." 

You gave a nod in response, making a mental note. You couldn't believe he'd do something nice for you after what you went through, but he was the only logical option. Thankfully you didn't have to wait long to confront him about it. Lyla appeared to tell you Miguel wanted to see you about your first mission. You knew he wouldn't like to be kept waiting, and you were anxious for a chance to prove yourself, so you said goodbye to Peter and Jessica and made your way there.


When you arrived, you couldn't find any signs of Miguel, so you called out, "Uh hello?"

 "Up here," he answered. You looked up to his platform where you could barely make him out. You swung up to meet him, and upon hearing your feet land behind him, he added, "Give me a second." He finished typing something on the screen before turning to you.

You noticed his eyes widen slightly before going back to normal. "I see you found the suit. How does it fit?" He asked, grabbing you by the shoulders and forcibly turning you around in a circle, looking you up and down. "Does it need any adjustments?" Jessica was right, you thought. That must have been why he was staring at you yesterday.

You felt your face get warm and shifted awkwardly under his gaze, "Uh no, it's perfect. Thank you."

"Don't take it personally," he deflected. "I just didn't want a Spider Society member running around with a messed-up suit. We have a reputation to maintain."

"No yeah, of course, that's what I figured," you lied, but part of you felt he was lying, too.

You felt someone land beside you and saw it was Hobie. You thanked him mentally for breaking the tension. "Nice suit," he told you.

"You're late," Miguel replied before you could.

"There was traffic in the halls," he joked.

Miguel sighed, already done with him, "Let's just get to what I called you here for. Since Y/N is new and you're already acquainted with each other, I want you to join her on her first mission."

"Sounds fun," Hobie placed an arm around your shoulders and for a second you thought you saw Miguel tense up.

"Great," Miguel answered. "There's a Lizard in dimension 123654 I need you to bring in."

Against All Odds ~ Miguel O'Hara X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now