7 - The Prettiest Shade of Pink

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It had been three weeks since the dance you shared, and neither of you mentioned anything about it ever since. Still, every time he looked at you, you could tell it was lingering in the back of his mind. By the way his expression softened, by the way his fingers seemed to stretch slightly, longing to feel you under his touch again.

But you never pointed it out; you were too busy to anyway. During those three weeks, you had steadily risen in the ranks of the Spider Society, becoming one of the most valued members. Apparently a Lego Spider-Man was ahead of you, and you were still trying to wrap your head around that one.

You weren't complaining, though. Miguel trusted you enough to let you go on missions alone, and that was enough for you. Although more often than not, you would go together. You seemed to share a strong connection, making your fights together infinitely better than if you fought individually. But even when you weren't chasing down an anomaly, you still found yourself enjoying his company.

You were spending more time together just hanging out. He somehow seemed to relax around you, which was normally a pretty rare occurrence. The Spider Society always came first, but whenever he had even five minutes to spare, he would spend them with you. He even started re-teaching you some Spanish — or rather teaching full stop, because you could barely remember anything from high school. He found it funny when you pronounced words incorrectly, so sometimes you would intentionally mispronounce them just to see his smile and hear his laughter. 

All of those things combined made it really difficult to decipher how you felt about him. Thinking of him as even just a friend felt like a betrayal to your Aunt. How could you be friends with the person that allowed her to die? That prevented you from saving her? As much as you wanted to believe Miguel's reasoning, and as much as you thought you had made peace with it, you still had a nagging feeling that he was wrong about everything.

A part of you wished you could see May again. Hug her and tell her about your adventures. Blow her mind with stories of the seemingly endless variations of spider beings. Share all your doubts and fears. And to tell her about Miguel. Ask her what to do, if you should pursue your growing feelings for him. She did always know just what to say, after all.

Then the realization hit you like a train. You could see her again. Or another version of her at least — one that was still alive. You then thought back to what Miguel had shared with you when you first met him. He sought out his daughter in a different dimension, and everything collapsed. But you pushed those thoughts away. You weren't going to replace that version of yourself; you were just going to pay your Aunt a visit.

So with Lyla's help you found the perfect candidate. A dimension that was similar to yours but with one key difference. Your Aunt was still breathing.


It was almost uncanny how alike that dimension was to yours. The only difference you could tell at first glance was the color of the stop lights, so it didn't take you very long to find May's apartment. You crawled through your bedroom window, and it took you a full minute of just standing there to process what you were seeing. Your furniture was rearranged, your clothes looked like nothing you would ever wear, and the pictures hanging on your wall were of absolute strangers. It was the weirdest feeling witnessing pieces of you that fit into an entirely different puzzle.

Your Aunt's voice snapped you back to reality. It almost broke you being able to hear her again. "Y/N! I'm back! Could you help me put the groceries away?"

You tried your hardest not to cry or sound like you were in the middle of a crisis, "Sure May, be right there!" You were about to leave your room before stopping in your tracks to look at your suit. Did this Aunt May even know you were Spider-Woman? Just in case, you quickly threw on the first shirt and pants you could find.

Against All Odds ~ Miguel O'Hara X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now