•Chapter 16•

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Twi 🌟

TIME LAPSE BRUH (day she was able to walk... yea)

I walked slowly through the hallways of the hospital. Its been a month but I wasnt just used to having a broken leg.

Applejack wasnt present today bc they have school. So was my friends. Except for Rainbow, that is.

I was always alone.

Until, I bumped into somebody. I didnt fall the ground bc he held my hand.

"We should really stop bumping into each other like this." a voice was heard.

I looked up. He had a mohawk like hair, dyed blue. He was wearing a shirt with a lightning bolt on the center, partnered with a black leathered jacket. He had on jeans and a black and white colored rubber shoes.

"Uh.. yea. I guess... we should." I randomly answered back. (derp.)

"Twilight? Is that u?" He asked, surprised.

"Um.. u know me?" I confusedly asked.

"Twilight were friends. Dont tell me, u forgot about me."

"Er.. sorry. I just dont know u. But it was really nice meeting u." (even tho u didnt ask for his name 👊🏼 nays one Twi)

I walked away. I feel bad for him. He seems familiar. Oh well.

After a while or so, I bumped into somebody... again.

"Easy Twi." a familiar voice came to my senses made me look at her. It was Rainbow.

"Sorry. Its the 2nd time actually." I responded as she helped me up.

"Well, u gotta be careful. U dont wanna have another one of that wont u?" She asked referring to my broken leg.

"I will." as I smiled and nodded.

"The doctor said we can be outta here by tomorrow. Although we have to carry this thing. It should be good to go, by next week. Is ur head better?" She asked as she touched my forehead.


"Oops. Maybe, not." she responded as she held my hand.

"Hey where are we?"

"Come on. Lets go to the canteen, my treat." she smiled as I smiled back and nodded as a response to agreement. (Wait does patients have to pay for the foods in the canteen? Idk bruh)

After a minute or two, we finally arrived at our destination - (the legendary door) the cafeteria.

We sat down at the seat next the counter. Rainbow already ordered her milkshake (is there milkshake for patients in hospital? Gawd im so not good at this ;-;). It was time for me to order mine.

After getting my milkshake, I turned around and bumped into somebody. Ugh. 3rd time today.

"We should really stop bumping into each other like this." (Is that all u can say?! Gawd. Ur so low in words.)

That voice. I rubbed my head and saw a hand. I grabbed it and looked at the person.

"Hey Twi." 'he' said with a big smile on his face.

"Uh.. hey? Sorry about that." I spilled milkshake on his shirt.

"Oh its fine. I got extra shirts."

"Um.. yea. I should be going. Whuts ur name again?"

"Flash. Flash Sentry." he replied.

"Nice to meet you." I said as we both shook our hands.

"See you around." He said as he waved he's hand good bye.

"Yea. Bai!" I responded as I waved mine too.

I turned around and bumped into somebody... AGAIN. Ugh am I ok? Why do I keep bumping people. Are my eyes ok?

"Twi." I was on the floor. Rubbing my head. The person kneeled down and grabbed my chin. It was Rainbow. It was so awkward. I looked at those beautiful magenta eyes and she looked at mine. She's still holding my chin. Butterflies flying in my stomach. As I saw her lean close to me.

'She's closing her eyes... gawd. Whut should I do? Should I close mine as well? ' My mind was racing with thoughts.

She goes closer...

And closer...


I stood up. She opened her eyes.

"I should really be going... thanks for the treat, Rainbow." as I walked away.

I felt so bad. I just felt guilt inside me. Whut is this? I never felt this.... heart broken. Heart broken?

Thoughts racing and racing through my mind. I just walked and walked. I dont know where Im going but I just kept on walking. I never stopped.

Until, I reached the roof of the hospital. It has a big terrace on it. Plants on the side was displayed well. three benches were at sight. I guess no one likes being here. The wind was blows frilly into my face. It felt beautiful. I just sat at one of the bench. I covered my eyes. Why do I feel so.... different?

I kept thinking about a while ago. Until I started to cry. I dont know why but it hurts. Until I felt someone hug me. I looked at the person. It was Rainbow.

"Twilight Im sorry-" she started to speak but was cut off by my lips meeting hers. We shared a kiss. But we are humans, so we have to break apart.

She just stared at me, surprised.

"Rainbow.." I called her name.

I love you.....

Author's Note:
Well, that took long that I expected.

Back from Japan yo.

School tomorrow 😑 gawd.

Thats all

Bai | Jeany 💋

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